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A few days after getting back from Mexico, all was good for the McCall pack. Veronica was headed to London to stay with Ethan and his new boyfriend, Kira was headed to New York, Scott, Stiles, Malia, and Liam were staying in Beacon Hills.

Once packing her pack, Veronica walked toward the door, rolling her suitcase with her right hand while she held her plane ticket with the other, "Where are you going?" A familiar voice spoke up and Veronica turned to see Scott standing there, a puzzled look on his face when he saw Veronica with a suitcase.

Veronica smiled at Scott, trying to make the situation a bit better, "London," She answered his question and Scott's eyes widened a bit, "Ethan's been living there since leaving Beacon Hills and I've decided to spend the summer there with him. Who knows? Maybe I'll stay there."

"Well, have fun," Scott told her with a smile.

Veronica smiled back at him as she lifted her hand up to turn the doorknob. Before she could, Scott grabbed Veronica's hand, causing her to turn to him.

Just then, Scott placed his hand on the side of her face as he leaned in and kissed her passionately. Veronica immediately kissed Scott back. She wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss deepened.

After a moment, they pulled away from each other and a smile formed on both of their lips, "Please come back at the end of summer. We need you here," Scott pleaded, "I need you here."

Veronica nodded her once more, quickly kissing Scott one more time before exiting the house.


It was nighttime by the time Veronica got off the plane in London. She traveled down the escalator and her eyes glanced around in search of Ethan.

She found her brother standing beside a boy with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. Once getting off the escalator, Veronica ran into Ethan's arms, "Oh, my God, Ethan! You have no idea how much I missed you." Veronica squealed as she hugged Ethan tightly.

"Ugh, I missed you too," Ethan replied.

After a moment, she pulled away and turned to Ethan's boyfriend. The boy smiled as he held out his hand for her to shake, "The name's Jackson Whittemore." He introduced himself and Veronica's eyes gaped open, realizing that that was the name of Lydia, her ex-Girlfriend's ex-boyfriend.

"Veronica Morgan." She shook his hand, her face still filled with shock, "What a small world this is."

AN: Well, that's the end of this book. I hope you guys enjoyed it and the first chapter of the next book will literally be done in not even an hour bc I already had it done beforehand. And also, unlike this and the first book, Scott is the definite love interest bc I've known since the beginning that he's the endgame. I still can't believe I finished this book in five days. Also, the third book will be called, 'only for you'.

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