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 It was pouring outside as Lori Rohr ran as fast she could toward the lacrosse field at Beacon Hills High School with her brother, Brett, following soon after. They were trying to outrun the numerous assassins that were after them.

 Suddenly, she tripped, causing her to fall onto the ground. Brett soon caught up to her and helped her up, "Get up, Lori. Come on. Run!" He shouted out,"Run!"

 Brett screamed out as an arrow pierced through his back. Lori turned to face him, worried for her brother, "Go!" He shouted as he pulled out another arrow. 

  Brett soon dodged another arrow that came flying past him. A hunter growled out as he went to attack Brett. He tried to hit Brett with the crossbow, but Brett was quick to dodge it. He swung a hut against, which ended up hitting Brett. The young Beta werewolf dropped to the ground leaning his head downwards. He soon lifted his head up, glowing his red eyes.

 The hunter went to hit him again, but Brett fought back and pushed him against the fence. The hunter fell down on the ground, injured, and Brett began to run in the direction that his sister did. 

Lori ran in the direction of the Lacrosse Field, which worried Brett because it meant she would be out in the open, "Lori, wait!" Brett shouted out as he chased after his sister, "Lori, stop!"

Lori turned to Brett as she stood in the middle of the field and Brett soon ran over to her. Just then, the lights on that surrounding the field began to turn on one by one. Lori held onto Brett's arm, scared for her life.

 On the bleachers, red lasers formed and pointed directly at Lori and Brett's chest, "Brett...Brett, what's happening?" Lori asked concerned.

"Close your eyes." He told her quietly and Lori immediately obeyed.

Just as two glided in their direction, one was caught by someone's hand while the other was caught by a Katana sword. Brett quickly turned his head to Kira standing in front of him alongside Veronica, "Run!" Veronica shouted and both Brett and Lori quickly listened.

As more began to come their way, Veronica caught the ones she could and dropped them on the ground while Kira deflected the others with her sword.


"This is going to mark the second time I've saved your ass by a hunter," Veronica commented with a smile on her face as she sat on the metal table in front of Brett.

"I guess it means it's finally time to say thank you," He told her, smiling slightly, "Thank you."

"Anytime." Veronica smiled as she heard the front door of the Animal Clinic open, "I'll be right back."

 Veronica quickly ran into the waiting room of the animal clinic when she heard Scott come in. She quickly hugged him, feeling as though she really did needed it. After a moment they pulled away from each other and began to talk, "Were you hurt? I've been calling you like crazy for, like, three hours." Scott worriedly.

 Veronica shook her head, "An arrow to the shoulder, that's all," She replied, "But I found Brett, and I also found the others."

 Veronica grabbed Scott by the wrist as she led Scott into the examination room to find about ten members of Satomi's pack there, including Satomi herself. Kira stood next to a couple of the pack members, helping them out, "Satomi, this is who Kira and I were telling you about." Veronica spoke up as Scott walked forward, staring in shock at all of the werewolves.

Satomi turned to Scott, a hood over her head. A smile began to form on her lips when she saw Scott, "I know who Scott McCall is." She told Veronica, who smiled.

"Are we safe here?" Lori asked concerned and Scott was quiet for a moment as she looked around at all of the members of Satomi's pack that were gathered around.

Scott then turned to Veronica, smiling, "We're gonna need help," He stated, "A lot of help."


  Scott, Kira, and Veronica ended up deciding to hide in Argent's warehouse, which they thought was vacant until they heard sudden footsteps. Brett ran out, ready to fight. He found himself standing in front of Chris Argent, a gun pointed to his head.

 Veronica and Scott ran out once seeing this, "Wait! Wait!" Veronica shouted out in a pleading tone, "Brett!"

"This is his place. It's his." Scott informed him quickly and Brett slowly backed away from Argent.

"Thank you." Veronica thanked Brett quietly as he walked past her.

"Veronica, Scott...If the two of you bring in guests, you could have called." He told the two Alphas as he walked closer to them, only to look around to see numerous werewolves.

"We didn't have anywhere else to take them," Scott replied to him and Argent seemed hesitant.

 Veronica turned her head to see Satomi approaching them, "I know this man." She stated calmly, "He may not remember, but we've met before. "

"You can trust me." Veronica assured her, " Scott trusts him and so do I."

"How do we know he's not like the others?" She questioned concerned.

"What others?" Chris asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion.

"Last night, there was a whole team after them. And they used crossbows."  " Kira explained to Chris as she handed him an arrow.

Scott noticed the way Chris looked at it and let out a small sigh as he shared a quick glance with Veronica and Kira, "They're hunters, aren't they?" Scott asked, a concerned look on his face.

Chris looked up at the male Alpha, a clearly unhappy look on his face, "Not if they're killing for profit." He replied coldly, "Not anymore."

"Can they find us?" Brett asked curiously as he walked over to the group."

    "They might already know you're here," He answered, "Maybe they're waiting for dark."    

"So we're not safe here either?" Veronica stated, clearly sounding concerned for herself and every other one standing in that warehouse.

"We're not safe anywhere." Satomi replied, "We've been trying to get out for days. Everywhere we turn, we find someone new trying to kill us."  

Chris walked over to Veronica and Scott, "If they're coming, Veronica, Scott, they're coming for the two of you, too.  Scott, you're still number one on the Dead Pool while Veronica comes in second." He informed them.

"I know," Scott told him before glancing over at Veronica, "We both know. And we know Lydia can get the answer from Meredith. She just needs more time."

"Then that's what she'll get," Chris replied.

  Veronica sighed, wondering to herself when it would be all over. It had been several weeks since the Dead Pool had started and it seemed like more supernatural creatures were dying every day. Who was next? Kira? Lydia? Malia? Maybe even Scott or herself? After all, she and Scott were the two most valuable targets on the Deadpool list. 

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