Couple Condos

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"UP UP UP UP UP; LET'S GET A MOVE ON, It's MOVING DAY!!!" Mulligan squealed excitedly, shaking Alexander and Lafayette out of bed. A bleary-eyed John was sitting next to him. 

Lafayette rubbed his eyes and hugged Mulligan. "Somebody's chipper, aren't they?" He said, with a kiss on Herc's cheek. Mulligan blushed and grinned. John not-so-discreetly coughed into his fist. "Um, Laf? Maybe some clothes?" Laf looked at himself; he had no pants or shirt on. "Sacre bleu! Sorry!" Alexander snorted as he was watching from his door. Mulligan stage-whispered, "I don't mind." John shoved Herc's leg. "Uh, keep it in your pants man!"John looked over at Alexander and rolled his eyes.

Alexander P.O.V

Oh, boy. He's so hot. He doesn't like me, does he? Yeah, he doesn't like me. We don't even know each other. But, god, he's hot. 

Alexander stole a glance at John. He was laughing and joking with Mulligan as if he didn't have a care in the world. John rolled his eyes at Alexander, causing him to blush and look away. Don'tlookatme, don'tlookatme, pleasegoddon'tlookatme!! I'm the one that's gotta keep it in their pants... better get shoes on and packed up... 

John's P.O.V 

"Uh, keep it in your pants, man!" 

How gross. They really believe in PDA, though. To each his own.

John rolled his eyes at Alexander. He was looking at him. How strange. Why is he looking at me? There's no way he likes me. I wish we knew each other better. Alexander blushed at looked away into his room. John looked down and it seemed like he could feel his face slowly turning red. 

Lafayette's P.O.V

Alright... french flag shirt. We have GOT to get those two together. Plan's almost complete, though. I wonder what Hercules  and I are going to do tonight... HMMMMMMMM.

Hercules P.O.V

I'm hungry. Alex looks like he really, really likes John. I should ask him. 

Herc cleared his throat and squatted down next to John. "Hey, uh... what do you think of Alexander?" John's mouth opened, and he looked past Mulligan, as if choosing his words carefully. "Alexander? He seems really smart." 

Laurens' voice took on a wistful tone. "He is really funny, like without even knowing it. He always waits for the rest of us to catch up, and is always rushing around. He.. never put mayonnaise on anything, and doesn't like milk or sugar in his coffee." John looked around at Herc. His face turned a brick red. "I- I mean, uh, erm, the thing is- ah. Forget it. I really, really like him. I barley even know him. I wish I knew if he liked me or not. It's better not knowing, actually. Or knowing. UH, I don't know!" John buried his face in his hands. He looked so helpless. I

 should go ask Alexander... yeah, that's smart! 

Hercules entered Alexander's room after knocking softly. He was packing up boxes, from the few things he had gotten out. "Hey." He said, without looking up. 

I'm gonna have to play this crafty, or Alex'll see right through me...

"Hey, can we talk?" Alex looked up and nodded, so Herc continued as he sat next to Alex on his bed. "Okay, so, the thing is, since you guys were so understanding about Laf and I, I just wanted to make sure things weren't gonna be weird with you two." Alex raised an eyebrow.

 "What do you mean?" 

"Well, I just would like to know how you feel about being roommates with John, how you feel about him in general, because you don't really know him all that well." Alex nodded slowly. 

"I see. John is a really, really great person. I don't think I would feel weird at all around him... he is so sweet and caring, so nice." Alex paused, looking down. "I want to get to know him better." he said quietly. YES!!!!  "Well, we're gonna need your help moving my crap, so c'mon." Herc stood up and walked out with Alexander. The moment John and Alex saw each other they blushed and looked away. Alex stuffed his hands in his pockets and held his breath. 

They are too cute.

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