well fuck

403 5 27

Kay, so I'm in the middle of a chapter rn, but i just wanted to update my life, letch'all know what I'm going through so you can know how that might affect my writing.

Okay, so I almost Came Out.

That was kinda big. I was crying in my room, because of the whole Coming Out Thing and also My Life Is Hell Thing, and then there was the I Support Gay People And I'm A Part Of BLM And My Parents Don't Know and also the I'm Most Likely A Liberal And My Parents Don't Know, so mostly it's just: My Parents Don't Know What The Fuck's Going On And I'm Too Afraid To Tell Them.

ANYWAY, I was crying in my room, and my mom came in all concerned and I said I'm not ready to tell you what's going on then she started going on this rant on religion and how she was okay with gay people but she didn't think it was okay to act on it, but then again all sin is equal bla bla bla and THEN she was like i don't think I'm a strong woman in you and your sister's eyes for letting your father swear and bitch and yell and shit and by then I was kinda done because by then she was crying and I hate that so I was like get the fuck out of my room, so now i'm here. Feeling like shit. 

Does anyone know any good light-hearted videos about, like, Harry Potter, or gay.

If not I'm gonna watch Thomas Sanders.

(oh, Jesus Christ, I just heard my mom say in the living room that "All I could get out of her was that she claims she's not gay" My heart just palpitated, I swear.)

PS: When looking for a header photo, I came across this saved GIF and I think it helped, like 24601% with making me feel better.

PPS: I still listen to My Chemical Romance almost everyday and it's like the best thing ever 

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