Random Fluff That Has No Plot For You Beautiful Pineapples

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Alex POV

It's so peaceful. I just love lying in bed on a fall afternoon.

"GETUPGETUPGETUPGETUP!!!!" John screeches as he flies into our room and jumps onto the bed.  Uuuuuuuuuugh.

 I don't wanna get up. I whine and roll over, but he just climbs on to the bed and sits on me. 

"C'mon sleepyhead!" He sings. "It's almost time to get readyyyy! 'Cuz we're going ooou-uuuut!!" I flip myself around so I can look at him, and I feel myself inhale. It's like every time I see him it's like the first time I've seen him. Like a 'hOly sHiT hE's hOoOoOt' sort of seeing him. He's so beautiful. I thread my fingers with his and give him my signature puppy eyes.
"Can't I just stay home, pweeeeaaase??"


"Pweeeeaaase, Johnny, baby? Just stay here alone... with mee?" I whisper, pulling him close, running my hands down his sides slowly and resting them on his lower back. He blushes and hesitates, then shakes his head.
"N-no, Lexi. We're going. This is a good time to hang out with our friends. We hardly see them anymore." 
He's still a beet red. Why's he so embarrassed? Does he think I want to do somethin-


 I think, like, I mean, um, we've like, never, uh, done it. We've come close, but, um,  I think he wanted to save it until we got married? Or something like that?? It's never been a conversation. It probably should be...??

I have such a vanilla boyfriend. Ahem, I mean fiance!!!!!! I'm so lucky. I sigh through my nose before I kiss him on the lips softly. 
"Alright, babe. Where is it?" 

"It's a piiiicniiiic! With Herc and Laf! At! Central! Park!!" He says enthusiastically, punctuating every word with a note, a humongous cheesy grin on his face. I push myself up into a sitting position but he doesn't move off my lap. He's such a cutie. 

It's nice how I've gotten so used to being with him that I don't have to worry about what I say or do anymore. Being alone with him is the same as knowing there's room to take a breath and to not be judged. And it's great.

 "We don't have to leave for a while, but we are going to eat a light supper before we head over around 5, so you're gonna have to dress warm." He said supper. That boy. 

"Alright." I agree.

John is looking at me. Why is he looking at me? Did I do something? Do I have something on my face?

I look back innocently. "What?" He giggles and pulls out my ponytail and runs his fingers through my hair. 

"Nothin'" He replies. It's soothing, actually. I only let him take out my ponytail. I can feel myself blushing at the way he's looking at me. 
"What?" I ask again, confused.
"Nothin' Lexi!" He says laughing softly, lowering his eyes and leaning closer to me. He kisses my softly and I smile. Aw. He pulls away and holds his hands behind my neck. "Guess what?" He whispers.
"I love yoooou." He coos. 
"I love you toooo" I reply, laughing. 

He smiles and tugs on my hair. Oh god. A sharp exhale escapes me. Oh god. He furrows his eyebrows and then grins devilishly, and tugs on my hair harder. Oh god. I bite my lip and glare at him. 

"John," I say firmly. "You stop that right now." He grins wider and looks down at me. 
"Stop what?" He whispers, and pulls on my hair. He leans down and brushes his lips on my ear, and pulls again. "Stop this... papi?" He whispers, hot breath tickling me. Oh, my god. He has got to stop, or I'm gonna lose it. Nonononononono. I growl and flip our positions. 
"No. You will not be doing this tonight." I say. "And just to be clear, if we're ever in this situation again, babe, just to be clear-" I lean down closer to him and kiss his neck. "I'm the top here, m'kay?" 
"A-alright, papi." 
He has GOT to stop calling me that. I.. I want to wait 'til we get married, but, like, I'm not going to be ABLE to, if he keeps acting like this all the sudden! So it's not MY fault! Right?

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