the devil's either fucking me or fucking with me

398 6 12

Help. My parents won't stop fucking arguing and I have screamed my voice raw they just won't stop screaming at each other over senseless things and I'm so tired of having to hear the same things over and over for the last thirteen years of my fucking life and they won't listen to me they won't make any fucking sense and they literally tell me to go to bed and the moment I close my door they're at it again and they actually made me start to puke a couple of times like they actually make me fucking sick and I can't get the screaming out of my head I feel like I'm about to get a panic or anxiety attack oh shit haha I'm going to panic at the disco but seriously I feel like dying I'm going to die fuck I can't tell if they're screaming sit or if it's all in my head I am going to die I'm going to die why even when im fucking having a panic attack I'm thinking of Hamilton will my fucking parents Care enough to tell legacy or will they even know that most of my fucking pain was caused by them and the neighborhood I fucking try to survive in I swear to god raise a glass to freedom but I'm not even really free oh god it's starting I'm panicking I swear to god help I'm helpless

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