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Third Person P.O.V
"Alright, alright! Let's go!" Laurens shouted, ushering in the other three to his and Mulligan's dorm room."What do you guys want? Coffee or anything?" Alex and Lafayette shook their head while Mulligan raided the fridge. "You guth are nuth!" He said, spraying food everywhere. "Uhh! I asked for the news, not the weather, mon amie." Laf cried indignantly. "So... what did Mulligan ask us all in here for?" Alex asked. He cleared his throat. "Because... I have somewhere to be soon." 
John's P.O.V
What does he mean? Does he have a date with someone? Does he have a date with that girl I saw him talking to?! Oh, God, no. "So what's up?" Laurens said. He saw Mulligan exchange a look with Lafayette. "Well," Herc said, "Laf and I feel as if our relationship with each other has been drifting apart, due to work, and living in separate dorms and such, and we were wondering, as you guys are our roommates, if you would be okay with the idea of a dorm switch." A dorm switch?? " We were thinking that I would move into Laf's dorm room, and, since Alex is the newest to our group and hasn't really settled in, it would be easier for him to be in the one John and I shared."
OH MY GOD. THAT WOULD BE GREAT!!! Alex and up would spend more time together, and then we'll date and... I have GOT to chill. What if he brings a girl over? Oh, no.
"What do you think, Alexander?" God, it's such a thrill to say his name.
I am SO weird.
"I... guess that makes sense. I mean, I am the newest here. I haven't even opened up most of my boxes yet." Alex said. Lafayette looked around at the joyful-but-trying-to-hide-it look on John's face to the unsure but smiling Hamilton. "So, you guys will do it?" Laf said. Mulligan was trying not to grin like he slept with a hanger in his mouth. John and Alex looked at each other. I am not going to let him get away from me. "Yes." They said in unison.

Later that day, after Mulligan and John went to classes on American History, Lafayette to Biology, and Alexander to an executive class, the group got back together at the cafeteria on campus.
Most of the students that were on break just then are at a small pastry section of the food-court like cafeteria.
Alexander saw Lafayette  laughing with a strikingly talking and handsome man, that look almost exactly like Lafayette. Except he was a few inches taller, with no ponytail, and had sharper features. And, if Alex had to say so himself his fashion choices were questionable. "Who's this?" Alexander asked, walking up to Lafayette, crossing his arms across his chest. "Ah, mon amie! You have found me! This is my very good friend, and long lost brother." Laf put his hand on the man's shoulder. Alex had to say, it looked like magenta is the only color that suits him. "Thomas Jefferson." He said, extending his hand. His voice was somewhere in between reedy and deep. "Alexander Hamilton. Pleasure to make your acquaintance." Thomas gave him a strange look, as if he didn't trust what Alex was saying. "All mine." Lafayette looked at Alexander. "Well, if you don't mind, I have to go find Herc and John. Oh, and Thomas?"
"While I'm out, do you want me to find your boyfriend?" Jefferson colored. "Uh, James is... somewhere around the circle tables." Laf nodded. A couple minutes later, Alexander, and everyone else in the cafeteria for that matter, heard a very loud, " YO YO YO WHAT TIME IS IT?!" And the response, "SHOW TIME!" Jefferson shook his head. "How that works, I don't know." Alex nodded and cleared his throat, rocking on the balls of his feet. Ahmagawd this is so awkward!!! "So are you bisexual or what?"
Oh my god. Alex, you did NOT just say that.
"Uh, yeah. Do you have a problem with that?!" Jefferson growled. Alex stared in shock at his quick temper. "No! Why would I have a problem with that?! I'm friends with Mulligan and L-laurens, and Lafayette is my roommate." Jefferson snorted and rolled his eyes. "Pu-lease. I really doubt you guys are all that close. You have known each other for what, two days? Those three are tight. They've known each other for years. What do you have in common?" Alexander glared, rising to his full height. "We all have normal fashion sense, something you seem to be missing out on!!" Thomas put his hands on his hips. "Oh you did not." Yes I did, you nit wit. Lafayette came back over with three people in tow, only to see Alexander and Thomas nose to nose glaring daggers at each other "Found 'em! Geez, I've been gone two minutes, what happened?"

(I'm pretty sure this one is longer than the others by a couple hundred words)

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