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Alright, so I'm making some changes to develop the Hamilpeeps's caracters, and if you see any difference from in the beginning, well, that's because it is. I'm having a huge bash with everyone there, so you can figure it out at once. But if i have someone change their pronouns, that's because I'm wishy-washy and am too lazy to go back and comb through 22 other chapters.

Peace From Manhattan, 


PS If I mess up in future chapters, sorry!


"Who's ready for a POOL PARTY!" Peggy squeals, decked out in sunglasses and a swimsuit small enough to turn me straight.

And I'm as straight as a candycane.

She opens the double dorrs in the kitchen to their kidney shaped pool. It's a beautiful day. Everyone was invited, even Jefferson, Jemmy, Charles, and Seabury. For some reason.

"Hey, Alex, mon ami, you could use some sun!" My good friend Lafayette said, noogying my head. Angelica laughed, and said, "Don't I know it. I'm always telling him to get off that goddamn computer." Always the motherly figure. "he never stops writing Miranda fanfic. Stupid smut about the founding fathers. It's just weird." Jefferson walks past and wiggles his eyebrows and says, "You write smut?" I could feel myself blush. "i do not!" i flip off Laf, who just laughs. oh, and of course, Charlie brought one of his dogs. But you can't get mad at a pug in a bikini for long. Jemmy squeals and picks him up. The dog, not Lee, that is. 

Herky Jerky is chasing Aaron and John around the pool while Theodosia and Maria film them. Eliza laughs at something Angelica just said, while leaning on Philip. Lafayette is tickling Jemmy, who gets double teamed when Jefferson joins in.

I just watch my John. He's so awesome. And funny, and smart. And just fucking gorgeous. I love how he smiles at everyone as if they're his favorite person in the whole wide world, and how he walks into a room and makes everyone laugh.

 I wish he would smile like that just at me.

"CANNONBALL!" John shouts as he was half thrown by Herc into the pool.

Oh. My. God 'n savior. I KNEW he had freckles on his ass! "Yo, HERC! You owe me one, crisp, unwrinkled Miranda!" John embarrassingly fished his swim trunks back on as he called to the Schuyler Sister's whistling, "Sorry, but you know I like dick!"  Lafayette laughed as he pushed Jefferson into the pool, who 'accidentally' pulled Aaron in with him. I laugh at his face and just how lucky I am to have such a great group of friends.

later that night, we head inside to the living room for Truth, Dare, Double Dare, Promise, Strip, or Repeat. It's a whole lot more fun that way. Angelica rubbs her hands together and says, "Hush, my children, I am going first. Let's see... James. truth, Dar, Double Dare, Promise, Strip, or Repeat.?" Jemmy blushes for like, no reason. "Um.. dare." he whispers. 

Angelica legit cackles. "I dare you... to sit on Thomas's lap for the rest of the game." A chorus of oohs went around as Jemmy sat down. Jefferson's eyes visibly dialated. He's so gay for that man.

"a-alright now I get t-to pick someone." Jemmy says. "Lafayette. You knwo the drill. Laffy nodded and said, "Truth." Jemmy looked him dead in the eye and said, "Have you ever eaten p*ssy?" Laf snorted while Hercules tried to hide his chuckles. "Actaully, no, mon ami. Shut up Herc. Maria. Which one?" 

"Double Dare."

"I dare you to go into Peggy's room and tell her exactly what you think of her, and then do exactly what you want to do to her." Maria giggled as she lead Peggy into her room. Shit. John and I were staying in there. "um.." I say. "So who goes now?" Jefferson squeals and says, "Ooh! Ooh! Me!" I shrug my shoulders. "Okay. I pick Johnathan." John stars at him. "Dude...No. just, no. Dare." Jefferson grinned. "I dare you to make out with Hamilton for one minute. Oh no. In front of people?! Why does part of me want to smack Tho-Jefferson and part of me want to squeal with joy? "You did not." I manage. He wraps his legs into a pretzel and totally fangirls. "I so did, bitches." 

John blushed as he crawled across the circle. So hot. The moment he kisses me, I fell like all those little bitty butterflies that people talk about explode in my stomach. He's just that good. i hear the click of cameras and homestly don't care. He slips his tougne in my mouth and I grin.  hear Hercules say, "He's so gay for that man. He looks like he slept with a hanger in his mouth." even that doesn't get me mad. I don't want it to end but alas. Even the brightest sun sets. Ooh, I should write that down. John pulls away, a faint smile on his face.

Ever Jefferson's smol bean, Jemmy raises his hand before saying, "So, being new and shit, could go around and say our sexuality and pronouns?" Did... did Jems just... swear? Jefferson looks apalled. "What have you done to my pure baby?" He cries and he pulls Jemmy closer to his chest. Laf says, " Yeah, we can do that. Raging pansexual. They/them." Herc puts his arm around Laf and says, "Same. But he him." Angelica puts up her finger and says, "I'm asexual, except for my beloved children, of course, and xe/xem. Also I'm a wild feminist. It's an official title. "  She grins. "Als, if any of you were wondering, Peggy and Maria are lesbians." Thomas snorted. "Huh, never woulda guessed that." Theo said, "I'm bisexual. She/her." Philip looked a tad bit nervous, saying, "I... I feel like I'm the only straight one here." Angelica's eyebrows furrow together, and she looks very concerned. "Honey, that's nothing to be ashamed of. Be fabulous if you want to be fabulous." Eliza looks around. "Isn't it like... the other.. way around? Anyway, I'm uh, have been going through big change of mine recently. I used to be Angelica and Peggy's adopted brother." Wow. I couldn't even notice. "But I'm bisexual. She/her." Thoma- Jefferson clears his throat and messes with his poof. "So, I, uhm, recently came out, and, uh, I guess I um, better tell you guys. I'm bisexual. He/him." My turn. "Okay, so I'm-" "Gayer than a rainbow." Thomas cuts in. "Shut up!" I cry indignantly. "But yes. He/him." John gives a half-smile before saying, "I'm homosexual also. He/him." 

Jemmy smiles. "thanks you guys, now I just have to keep that all straight. No pun intended." He really seems to be warming up to us. After a couple of more beers, with Laf and Herc told to feel each other up, Angelica dared to put her ear against her innocent little sister's door, and secrets spilled and promises made, we call it a night. I really  don't want to go into Peggy's room. 

Laf says, "Oh, yeah, you two are sleeping in the empty room next to theirs." Um, okay. We walk in, and John and I realize, we don't have any clothes to change into. On the one bed, was one extraa pair of boxers. On it is a sticky note that says, 'Have fun, boys! Love, Meggy' 

I blush, I know it. I turn to John and say, "Alright, who gets it?" He says, "Um, I do, duh. I've already been pantless once today, remember?" I snort and turn even more red. "I couldn't forget." Oh, turtles, that came out wrong. "I-I mean, uh, t-that came out weird." John laughs his amazing laugh. "Relax, Alex." 

That night we turn away from each other in the bed, and yes, I was naked, get over it, but we wake up in each other's arms to Thomas's "TASTE THE RAINBOW" John hugged me closer and said, " Dude, we didn't do nothing. And I'm wearing boxers." Peggy wiggles her eyebrows and asks, "What about Alex?" My mouth drops open. "You... You planned this?" 

"Dam right I did." She says. "And you know why? Because I. SHIP. IT"


*sigh of exhaustion* Hoof. I'm done. It's three thirrrrttttttttyyyyyyyyy. I'm so sleeping in. Love you guys! Thx for the reads!

Peace From Manhattan,


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