The Meeting Part 2- John P.O.V

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I wonder what happened. Alex acted so weird. Is he gay? God, I hope he's gay. He seems so smart. " Yo, Laurens, what you thinking about?" Mulligan said, breaking Laurens out of his trance. "Do you want a do-over with Laf and Alex around noon?" A slight blush spread across John's freckled face. He cleared his throat, "Uh, yeah, that'd be alright."

At the coffee shop, Lafayette already was ecstatically waving his hands and talking almost non-stop, while a smiling Alex was shaking his head. Geez, he's hot. Laurens shook his head. Pull it together. "What's up?" Laurens said, trying to act normal. Alex barley looked up from his phone, avoiding Laurens' eyes. "Nothing much... "

Laf shot Alex a look. "ACTUALLY, Alex-was-gonna-tell-you-guys-something." Alex rolled his eyes. "Laf, you need ta CHILL. But yeah, I just wanted to apologize for yesterday when I stormed out...." Alex took a big breath. "Okay, Laf I'm ready. Y'all sit down." Alex put his head in his hands. I wonder what's wrong... Laf cleared his throat loudly. "alright, so you guys, um.. here's the thing, um. Alex here has a bad past and he didn't tell anyone but I found out by mistake and I was about to tell you all yesterday, so yeah."

Mulligan and Laurens looked at each other. "Alex, you know you can confide in us whenever you're ready, right?" Mulligan said. Laurens cast his eyes down to the table. I really, really want Alex to trust me. " Um, Alex?" Hamilton looked up suddenly, ears red. "I know we don't know each other at all really, but I'd like to get to know you better so you can trust me." Mulligan stood up suddenly, "I'm going to get some coffee and food. Laf? Why don't you come with me??"

Laf's eyes widened. "Oh!! YEA! Coffee.Bye." They practically skipped over to the counter. Oh my god. Alex looked over at Laurens, red in the face. "Could they be more obvious?" They said in unsion. Oh god he's cute.

Alex laughed nervously. "Okay, um yeah."

"Yeah. Hi. So you have every right to not trust me, and we don't even know each other. But I won't tell a soul if you decide to share with me. It could be a bonding thing." Alex gave me a powerful side-eye. Even annoyed he's hot. Alex sighed.
"Yeah, I guess you're right. Okay. So, when I was out on the street I was never sure of anything except my sexuality. And I told this really hot boy that I liked him, and he squealed to my father, who made my life a living hell."
"And the rest of the town found out. I became the freak on the street. And that's all I wanna tell you." Alex huffed and looked out the window.
"Oh my god, Alex. I'm so sorry. That's awful."
I wish I could make him feel better. I hate seeing him look like this.
Laurens took Alex's hand. "You should never be afraid of your sexuality. It's okay."

Alex's mouth was gaping open as he looked from their hands to Laurens' face. His face turned firehouse red. "I- I guess there'd be no problem with that..." Alex whispered with a small crooked half-smile.

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