I dont have a title

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How long has John been gone? His classes shouldn't take that long.

Alex was wandering around John and his small dorm, bored out of his mind. He had hit a bad writer's block on his fanfic, there was nothing on TV, Pewdiepie hadn't updated yet, and smut didn't satisfy him.

Alex meandered into John's room. It's quiet, except for the soft bubbling of his turtle tank. His eyes fell on that one drawer he wasn't supposed to open. His mind burned with questions. Was it dirty stuff? Alex wouldn't put it past John, because the other day, Alex came home and found John... doing things... with Alex's shirt.

He chuckled at the memory.

But c'mon, John wouldn't be home for HOURS... or at least a couple of minutes. What could be in there that was so bad? It wouldn't be like he was opening Pandora's pithos or whatever. Just a peek.

Alex crept over as stealthily as possible. He opened it up, expecting stuff completly different than what he saw.


Why would John hide this from him? Why does he have it? I mean- I know he has nail polish, but-

"What are you DOING?!" John's harsh voice cried out.

"I-uh, um, I was just-"

"I told you never to come in here!" He yells.

He's pissed. Gee, nice observation, Alex. "John, I'm sorry! I- I didn't think-" He pushes loose hairs out of his face and screams,

"You knew I didn't want you in there!" He's... he's on the brink of tears? "You KNEW! I don't want one more person thinking I'm a freak!" His eyes widen. "I mean-"

"John, babe, why would I think that?" I say softly, moving towards him. "What's going on?" He looks past me, clearly not wanting to be held.

"I... I got made fun of before I came here. Badly. I thought maybe you would do the same." I push hair out of his face and study it. "John, I would never, ever, ever  want to hurt you. You're mine." I pause. "Have I... Have I ever seen you without makeup?" He shakes his head. "Um, can I?" He steps back and gets a wet washcloth from the kitchen. As he wipes off his face I see that he is a bit darker than usual, and.. wow. I can see so many freckles. They're like stars. Except they don't shine. Maybe they shine through with his problems and the bad things that make him who he is. His faults. (SOMEONE GET IT)

I smile and dry off his face and say, "For the record, I like you much, much better this way." He smiles back and kisses me softly on the lips. I whisper, "I love you." John steps back.


"what? I, I do! i-"

"Alexander." I stand there awkward, then shake back my hair and run my hands through it.

"Sorry." I mumble. "I didn't mean to put any pressure on you or something." He gives a half-grin.

"Want to have dinner tomorrow night? I'll tell you what we're doing when you get home." He offers.

"Alright, it's a date." I kiss his forehead before I leave his room. "Goodnight, love."


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