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So this is gonna be a shorty btw. At my grandmother's ad then I'm off to camp for a week, so no electronics in the middle of nowhere!

"Oh. my. LORD. I SHIP IT SO HARD!" Laf squeal-yelled-whispered to a shushing Herc. "You're gonna wake them up!"  They were standing over a asleep John, who, coincidentally, was being held by a tired-looking Alexander.  A sly grin came over Herc's face. He slapped his hands against his mouth and did an-almost fangirlish dance. "Oooh! I've got an idea!" He turned to the cute couple. "YOU GUYS HAVE TO WAKE UP!!! YOUR TURTLE WENT MISSING AND THE STARBUCKS CLOSED DOWN!!!" He shouted, waving his arms, causing Alexander to wake up in shock and Laurens to scramble putting clothes on and search frantically around him for his turtle. He stopped when he saw Lafayette and Hercules cackling like hyenas. 

"OH MY GOD YOU DID NOT JUST DO THAT." John fumed. Alex leaded across the bed, propped on his elbows at a now-standing John. "Chill out, Jackie." He purred, causing John to blush and rub his neck. Herc's mouth dropped open. "What- what did you guys do last night?" he said, while Lafayette was furiously winking. ;))))) John turned around to face them. "N-nothing happened it was just, like, um- s-something continued to happen, like-" He gave up at Laf's chuckling. "I'm telling you guys, nothing happened!" Herc shrugged his shoulders. "Okay fine, but next time use protection." "OH MY LORD STOP." John said. Laf pulled his jacket over his shoulder more. "You guys, we got a date." John side-eyed him. "All.. of us?" Laf nodded and continued. "I met this girl the other day- not what you think, Herc, and she seemed really sweet and nice, and she said her and her two sisters were new to the college, and they could use a little showing around and tips to survive here." John crossed his arms and said, "What are their names?" "Well, the one I met was named Peggy, her older sister's name is Angelica, and her middle brother, now her sister, she's a transvestite by the way, is named Eliza. She goes by her/she now. So it goes Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy. They're the Schuyler Sisters." Alex nodded, putting on clothes. "So is there anything else we need to know?" Laf scratched his chin. "Um... Peggy's a lesbian. She's dating Maria Reynolds. Angelica's ... i don't know actually. From what I hear, she doesn't talk much to anyone but Eliza." 







John's POV

WE arrived at the Schuyler Sister's dorm later, and when we walked inside, we were greeted by a badass looking girl. She was wearing ripped jeans and had a letterman jacket that had a bunch of girls on it, like, Katniss Everdeen, Annabeth Chase,  Hermione Granger, that irish Disney princess with the red hair, Wonder Woman, Renee Goldsberry, who's like, from the 18th century, and it said over and underneath them, 'ask us about our feminine agenda'. Underneath that she had a shirt with flames on it that said, 'girls fight back'. She was wearing OH MY GODS Miranda converse! Only like, the GREATEST AMERICAN MUSICAL EVER. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. 

The Badass smiled and called for her sisters in a singsong voice. A girl in blue walked up, eyes flashing with a mixture of boldnes and shyness. Huh. She was wearing a skyblue sweater with white jeans and blue converse. She had a knit cap on her head that was a navy blue-lookin' thing, and she had lots of hair. Next to her was a shorter girl that seemed to down-play how pretty she was; she had girlish makeup and casual clothes on. She had a knee-length pale yellow dress, with a jean jacket over it, and matching flats. The Yellow One smiled at Lafayette before turning to all of us and saying, "Hello, I'm Angelica, this is Eliza, -" The Yellow One pushed forward and said, "And I'm Peggy!" 

Herc cleared his throat and held out his hand as he leaned around Laf. "Pleased to meet you, Peggy. I must say, you are way too pretty for that outfit." Alex coughed and said, "Ookay then, um, hi, my name is Alexander Hamilton" The Badass shook his hand grinning while Eliza eyed him thoughfully. Peggy was yakking away to Hercules, talking about god knows what. I said, "I'm John Laurens. You have a very nice apartment. This seems the place to be right now." Laf just grinned and went to the small living room with the rest of them. I just stood there, being the socially awkward one in the group. My Lexi eventually had to tug my arm to get me to move from the doorway. 


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