Part 1

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'That man that died. He was not your father. He never was your father.'

'I know,' I look up through my hair, anger burning through me.

Loki continues on. 'I am your father-'

'That man was more of my father than you ever could hope to be,' I spit.

Odin, Frigga and Thor watch on in silence on the other side of the cell. I ignore them and continue fighting with real father.

'That man tried so hard. They all did. They tried to be parents to me but once I began well... developing and... understanding that I'm not normal. That I'm not one of them. Well that's when shit went sideways. Some gave up but that man he tried, and he kept trying. He never gave up on me. He fought harder and harder to try and keep me as his child. And you? What have you ever done? The moment you want me back you kill them. You kill every single person that had tried to help. That had tried to give me a normal life,' my voice rings loud and clear in the cell. The other prisoners have fallen quiet, but these royals continue to try and fight. Try and prove that they're in the right. And me...well they're trying to put me in the wrong. Where I always am.

Odin opens his mouth, 'Loki had reason for doing what he did-'

'Loki? A reason?' I laughed. 'This coming from the man that kidnapped and lied to Loki his whole life. This coming from a man who lies to everyone than leaves his son and kidnapped son to fix every mistake and show the truths to every lie you've ever made. This coming from a man who is the WORST father ever. You royals. You so called gods don't know how to be a family because all you ever think about is war and feasting.'

'ENOUGH!' Odin thunders.

'What's wrong? Don't like hearing the tru-'

'SHUT UP RAVEN!' Thor bellows.

I smirk and face the royals. Loki slowly makes his way back to Frigga's side.

'I know where I have failed but Loki doesn't make the same mistakes. Loki and Thor have become better men than I ever could because-'

'Because they had no choice. Because their so-called father wouldn't help them, and their people needed help, so they turned to the princes,' I sink wearily down on to the bed. 'You know on my world, you're nothing but myths. Nothing but stories parents hide from their children. Nothing but fictional characters turned into stories where the real stories have been lost and fake ones made instead. The only truths in the stories seem to be Odin's bad parenting, Loki's lies and Thor's arrogance. Frigga doesn't really exist. She's another of the many women in the background.'

'What are you trying to get at, Raven?' Loki's voice is clear and smooth. Kind of like ice.

'Hmmm. I don't know. Oh are all shitty people. Now let me go home. Back to my earth.'

'There's nothing there for you,' Thor looks up from his hammer.

'Oh well. Guess I'll have to make something for me,' I shrug. I don't care. There never was much there anyway. If I didn't have my family and friend, I would have died ages ago.

'Your gone. The rest of your earth family too.'

I look up. Loki is watching me. He isn't smiling and he's actually looking serious.

'Can I hear that from someone who isn't known to lie?' I call out.

A guard runs in and whispers something to Odin. Odin looks over Thor's shoulder and nods.

A man in gold armour carrying a golden sword walks in. He steps up to the magic barrier that keeps me locked in the cell. I step forward slightly.

'Your friend died the other day. She jumped and never came up. Your mother on earth committed suicide. Your brother and sister on earth were murdered. You have nothing. No one left on earth. I have erased everyone's memories of you on earth, so they no longer remember you.'

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