Part 2

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The sky fills quickly with dark clouds and the street lights turn on. The storm rages around me. The street lights flicker than blow.

'Shit!' my dad swears as he struggles to see as he drives. The car lights are blown and there's no light. I hold tight to the door as he slows down. Lightning flashes showing a man with a green flowing cape and golden horned helmet standing in the middle of the road.

'Fuck!' Dad swerves, and the car drives down the bank and into a tree.

I gasp and climb out of my seat. I glance over at my dad but he's not moving. I can tell he's dead. The man with the golden horn helmet stands next to my door. He pulls the door open and a dagger appears in his hand.

'Come with me,' he orders.

I glance at my dad.

'Leave him. He is dead.'

'You're Loki, aren't you?' I ask as I climb out of the smashed car. I don't trust him, but I have nothing else to do.

'Aye,' he replies.

We walk past trees and through the bush until we come to a clearing where a crashed donut rests. A huge purple man walks out of the shadows.

'Is this her?'

Loki nods and pushes me forward.

'Raven, you have a future ahead of you. Two. You can have a family here on earth and be all by yourself as everyone you know dies or you can kill me and be forever called a monster and be alone but know who your true family is.'

'So, either way I end up alone. Wow. Talk about forever alone. Um kill you and be called a monster? Well killing isn't new nor is being called a monster or watching everyone I know die.' I glance at the purple guy.

'And who are you exactly?' I ask him.


'I like to know the names of those I kill.'

'I am Thanos.'

'And why would you tell me this?'

'Because either you kill me or someone else will. So, what is your choice?'

Loki hands me his dagger. I take his dagger and as I swish it around I turn it into a sword. Thanos moves towards me but Loki casts a spell and Thanos stops. I quickly slice off both his arms than as he screams I cut off his head.

As Thanos' body drops to the ground Loki takes his dagger back and turns to me.

'You have to come to Asgard with me,' Loki tells me as a rainbow tube thingy of sparkly air comes around us. He grabs hold of my hand and holds tightly to me as he takes me to Asgard. We hop onto a horse and the horse canters to a huge golden palace. Loki jumps off his horse outside a room in the palace. I slide off mine and follow Loki into the room...only to be greeted with spears pointed at me.

'What is this?' I snap.

Loki turns and looks back. 'You just killed a mad Titan. What do you expect?'

The guards come close and one of them prods me with a spear. Loki walks around the circle of the guards and out of the room. I turn and watch Loki only to have a spear prodded into my back.

'The fuck do you want?'

'Follow Loki,' the guard replies.

I roll my eyes and follow Loki down large hallways and hurried past room and down a dark staircase. Loki stops and moves to the side. I watch as a guard moves up and touches something. A golden sparkly barrier disappears on one side of some kind of a cell and the guards shepherd me into it. The barrier comes down behind me. Loki looks up as a blond man with a hammer follows a lady in a golden dress that looks like an angel and a dude that looks like a space pirate.

'Thor, Odin, Frigga,' Loki greets before turning to me.

I lower my head.

'That man that died. He was not your father. He never was your father.'


So Thanos makes a big appearance for a few minutes. What do you reckon was it to brutal? 

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