Part 15

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Hours later, Val comes back. I look up from where I sit on the couch. I notice her quick look over. I'm wearing all black, the only colour other than green I feel comfortable in. Black jeans a black lacey top.

'Where have you been? You need to get ready.'

She sighs and walks straight to the room. She comes back out a few minutes later and walks straight to the fridge. I kick my feet a little on the counter. She walks right past me and puts away the chocolate in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer.

'Of course, you got ice-cream instead of something to wear.'

She smirks a little. 'Well, ice cream is more important.'

I let out a little giggle. 'Your bubbly attitude hasn't changed at all. Keep it that way.'

She nods at me, 'I guess I should get ready.'

'Yeah, that may be a good idea.'

She walks towards her bathroom. I follow her and watch as she stands at her door, thinking. She turns around and sees her father smiling goofily at her.

'You are weird.'

'I'm just so happy my little girl is getting married,' Thor replies.

I gag silently.

'I'm not getting married tonight,' she snaps and walks into her room and slams the door in her father's face.

'What is the matter with her?' I ask a little too loudly.

'She's stressed out with her wedding and all. Give her some time, and she will be fine,' Alec replies.

I walk into her room and shut the door behind me. I sit on her bed and wait until I hear the shower turned off.

'Hey Val, we need to talk,' I call out.

'I'll be out soon. I am just getting dressed,' she calls back.

I roll my eyes and cast a portal right into her bathroom. I step through and close it behind me. Val looks up and steps back slightly. She sighs and turns her back to me.

'What do you want?' she growls quietly. Her zipper is undone. I step forwards and brush her hair away from her neck and pull the zipper up.

'I get you're stressed, but your only nineteen, and why are you planning your marriage by yourself? You have all of Asgard that could do that,' she opens her mouth to snap something, but I cut her off. 'I get it you want it perfect, and you don't like the Asgardians that much, but please, Val. You're destroying yourself, and your family are finding you difficult to live with. They want to see you happy, and they want to help you, but you're not letting them.'

'No one said Thor had to live here with me. He has his castle palace thing to live in.'

I sigh and lean against the wall. 'Val, he wants what little of his family he has to stay alive. He wants to be close to you and doesn't want to miss out on more of your life. Please just let someone help you plan things.'

She turns and looks at me. I see her look and shake my head. 'Not me, Val. I can't plan anything. I have no clue when it comes to planning, let alone weddings. Besides, I'm afraid I'll ruin it,' I turn and open the door. 'After all, I only ruin everything,' I whisper as I leave her bathroom and bedroom. I push past Thor and Alec and make my way out of the cabin and down to the lake, away from everyone and their noise.

I walk from shadow to shadow, keeping my footsteps light and soft so I can hear the heavier footsteps. It's Valarie. Of course, she would follow me into the forest. Heck, that idiot would follow me down the highway to hell if it meant that I was safe. I stop walking at the lake and watch as Valarie steps out into the moonlight and look around. The moonlight makes her blonde hair have a silver halo; her silver eyes reflect the moon's light. She looks pretty. I step out from the shadows and hold myself upright, so my real height is notice. I'm tall, and I'm gangly. While she's stopped growing and is at my shoulder, and has started to eat more.

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