Part 14

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When I wake up, my cousin hovers over me. As my eyes open and I slowly sit up, she lets out a sigh of relief.

'I thought you had gone into another year-long coma thing,' she chatters as I wait for myself to wake up. I look around me and frown. It looks like the giant room I was in when I was injured or something on Asgard. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Val shifting uncomfortably in the chair.

'They've somehow managed to make everything just like how it was on Asgard. My cabin is now more of my escape from the royal duties. Thor has been determined to teach me how to be a ruler ever since he got back from killing Thanos,' Val doesn't stop talking. 

I sigh. 'I will kill for iced coffee,' I murmur.

She stops talking. 'Shower or bath first cuz you stink. Then coffee,' she tells me.

And be quick about it. Only a few hours off, Loki's voice comes back.

I smile at Loki's voice and walk stiffly and slowly next to my cousin to the bathroom.

An hour later, I walk through the streets of Asgard by my cousin's side as she shows me around.

'So, Raven, I don't think you heard me before. Alec and I are engaged, and the wedding is in a few weeks.'

'Wow, it's good you have found someone who makes you happy,' I reply robotically as she shows me the markets. After an hour of her non-stop talking, I beg her to shut up, and we walk in silence to her cabin. Thor joins us within a few minutes, and I refuse to look at him. The air changes density, and a portal opens in front of me.

'Rav...Raven? What are you doing?'

'This...isn't me,' I tell Thor.

I take a step backwards. Loki stumbles out, and Thor catches him.

'Surprise,' I mutter. Loki lifts his head and looks up at me. I nod hello and walk up to a tree near the cabin.

Birds fly overhead, and I can hear the market in Asgard from here. Leaves rustle, and trees blow cool wind, chilling my weakened figure right to the bone. I shove my hands into the jean's pockets and lean against the tree at the front of the cabin.

Floorboards creak, and I look up as Thor walks to the cabin with his arm wrapped around his brother's shoulders. The two of them stop next to me, and Thor looks like he wants to say something, but he changes his mind, and they keep walking inside. Valarie appears at my side.

'Come on; I will start the fire.'

I follow her inside, and we see Loki lying on the couch. He looks so tired and cold. I stand awkwardly to the side as Val grabs some logs from near the fire and chucks them into the fire, then throws a fireball at it. Val moves away, and I lean against the wall. Thor kneels on the floor next to his brother, refusing to leave his brothers side. The house warms up, but I'm still cold. I move to the shadows so no one can see me shiver. The house is silent.

'Any suggestion for dinner?' Val asks as she breaks the silence.

'Food sounds good,' Val's boyfriend replies from where he stands near her. Val gives him the finger. I smile.

'How do two-minute noodles sound?'

The room is filled with laughter but not mine.

'Just kidding. I'll make Mac and Cheese.'

'Sounds good,' I say quietly. It's my favourite food, but I don't feel like eating it. Too cold.

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