Part 22

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I wake up and gaze up at the night sky. My body aches as I sit up. I slide onto my bike and drive off down the road. As the sun rises, I rev the bike one last time before slowing down as I enter a town. I ignore the town's greeting sign and keep on driving. I don't know where I'm going anymore. I've killed all of them now. The leaders and the henchmen. I pull over and turn the engine off. I slide off my bike, pocketing my keys and lock my helmet to my bike before strolling down the street. Out of old habit I slip into an expensive clothes store and take a new wallet. As I leave the store the sirens go off and the security guard heads towards me. He sees something and next thing I know I'm running down the street with cops chasing me. I frown. All this over a freaking wallet? I drop the wallet and run into the closest McDonalds. As I slide to a stop near the checkout in the middle of the room, facing the doors that the cops pour through, I see Valarie, Thor and Loki looking up at me. Val's face turns into utter disbelief. Loki glances at the cops than back at me.

'What did you do this time Ray?'

'Stole a wallet. Couldn't help myself,' I pant. The cops come closer. Their radios crackle. I clench my jaw and daggers appear in my hand. I hold them ready to fight.

'Don't fight Ray,' Loki warns me.

'Drop the knives!' The cops yell.

I lift my head and smirk at them.

'Drop the knives!'

'Clear the building!' the cops yell again.

'I SAID DROP THEM!' the cop screams.

I lift my hands until the dagger handles pointed towards my head the tips of the blades pointing away from me.

All the cops have their guns out and pointing at me. A gunshot sounds and someone screams. The daggers slip from my hands in surprise. The sound fades into mute. I can only watch and feel. The hard wood surface behind as I stumble backwards. The people rushing past the police and out the building. Val standing up moving towards me, Loki grabbing Valarie and holding her tightly as he drags her out. Thor standing up and stepping towards me. Seeing me lift my head slightly and watch as he falters, pulls out a phone and leaves. I wrap my hands around my stomach and hunch over slightly.

'PUT YOUR HANDS UP!' the cops repeat themselves a few times while another cop disciplines a young cop. I guess he shot me.


I look past him and outside where Loki stands his arms still holding tight around Val. I can see she's trying to fight him but he's got her so she can't move anywhere. I move my hands away feeling the sticky bloody making my shirt stick to my skin. I rise my hands in the air next to my head.


'I'm bleeding,' I reply my voice firm and loud. It shocks the room into silence.


'I am currently bleeding out from a stomach wound. Do you truly believe it's a great idea for me to move?' I continue to speak down to the cop.

The cop takes a step forwards, the ceiling breaks and someone lands in front of me.

'Hi. How's it going? Okay so I'm going to take missy here and deal with her if you guys could just leave like nothing happened that would be great.'

'What? Who the hell?

'Dude that's Ironman. She can't escape if the Avengers know her. Let's just go,' another cop whispers.

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