Part 6

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Someone picks up my hand. I pull my hand away and turn my head away from them.

'Raven, please. Wake up.'

My hands clutch the end of a blanket and pull it over my shoulder. I wake up when my shoulder touches the softcover of the blanket. I open my eyes and watch silently as my cousin interacts with her weird boyfriend. I gag when he kisses her, and I sit up.

'Gross. Go get a room somewhere else,' I smile a little. This...this is the life we should have had all along.

Val turns around. 'I got you a hot chocolate,' she offers. A peace offering. She must really need my help.

'Where the fuck am I?' I ask as I take the hot drink in my cold hands. I take a sip of the drink and sigh. Even though she has tried to disguise the herby taste with chocolate, I can still taste it.

'What's in this? Arrowroot and some other shit with chocolate? That's gross. Next time don't try and lie to me, Val. We've always known you're a shit liar.'

Val smiles. 'There are some herbs that will help me heal you faster.'

'I bet you don't even know what herbs are in here, do you?' I take another sip of the concoction and struggle to swallow it down. It's not just the taste but the whole effort of trying to drink something that's making me feel shit.

'I need you to lie down if you want to heal.'

'Do you know how hard it is to try and drink anything while lying down? Especially hot drinks?'

Valarie sighs and takes the pillows off her bed across the room, and throws them. I watch as the pillows land perfectly on top of mine, next to me.

'Lie down. The height of the pillows will make it easier,' she explains.

I hand her my drink and lie down. Once I'm comfy, she hands me back the drink. I take a mouthful of it.

'And the drink isn't really going to heal you. I am. Now don't move, or I will fuck up.'

'Well, that's a great comfort. Exactly what I want to hear, Val,' sarcasm drips everywhere.

She breathes heavily. 'Shut up, Raven.'

'Hey, lovebird,' I call her boyfriend. 'Hold my drink for me.'

He steps forwards and takes the festy drink away from me. I look over at my cousin.

'You know what you're doing, right? If you can heal me, I will be amazed. Cuz I don't think anyone can,' I tell her. I'm getting a bit nervous having to trust her with my life. It's not a thing I can do.

'Just trust me.' Val hovers her right hand over my body. Pain shoots through me. My breathing races, and my eyes open wide. Val stays standing.

After some time, Val closes her hand into a fist and falls.

'Val, are you alright?' Her boyfriend asks as he puts the drinks down and runs to his unconscious girlfriend. I watch as he picks her up and puts her to bed. I close my eyes.

I wake up to people calling Val's name. I sit up to see Thor and Val's boyfriend standing near Val's bed. Fire leaps around her, and she keeps changing from human to wolf.

'What the fuck? Since when is she a wolf?'

Val's boyfriend turns to me. 'She became one about six months ago.'

I watch Val for a few minutes, but when she starts screaming out. I push past Thor and place one hand on her forehead. I close my eyes and bring back a memory. A recent one. Of her healing me. She gasps, and I watch her as she sits up. She stares at us, her eyes wild with fear, and she runs to the door. As she opens the door, she knocks Loki to the floor, hesitates and keeps running. I watch her run, then sigh and chase after her.

'Val! Raven!' our fathers call after us, but we keep running.

We run past shocked Agents and Avengers and up through the ship to the top. I pant as we near the top of the ship. This is way too much exercise, and the ship is flying really high. It's hard to breathe.

'VALARIE!' I yell, but I'm not loud enough. She swirls her hammer around and jumps off the floating ship. I collapse to my knees as exhaustion fills me. People run and surround me, but I ignore them. A crowd of Agents part as the Avengers circle me. The Avengers than part when my uncle and father arrive.

'Where is she? Where is she!' Thor yells at me.

I simply lift my head and look past him. He grabs me by my neck and lifts me. My hands grab hold of his and try to open his fist. He doesn't let go.

'Where is my daughter?' he roars.

My body begins to fall limp as he continues to starve me of oxygen. I turn my tear-filled eyes onto my father. He shrugs. There is nothing he can do. I hear the Avengers calling to Thor to stop to let me go, but we ignore them. I lift a hand and weakly point behind Thor. He drops me. I gasp for air and rub at my bruised neck.

She flew off, I tell my father as Thor glares down at me, his hammer swirling, ready to hit me again.

'Thor...BROTHER!' Loki yells to his angry brother.

Thor turns on him. 'What?'

'Your daughter flew off.'


Loki looks at me.

I don't know—her cabin, most likely. I tell him.

Loki tells this to Thor. Thor looks down at me.

'Why will you not talk aloud?'

I glare at him as Ironman pulls me up to my feet. Ironman stands in front of me for a moment before turning to Thor.

'Her windpipe is bruised. She's lucky to still be able to breathe,' Ironman scolds him.

Thor shrugs and starts to turn away when Loki punches him across the nose. Thor just glares at Loki and jumps over the side of the ship. The Avengers and Agents walk off, leaving me with Ironman, Blackwidow and Loki. The three of them surround me. I shake my head and back away from them.

'What's wrong with you?' Blackwidow asks me.

Don't surround me. I hate it.

'She hates being surrounded.'

What happened to Val's boyfriend?

We will find him than we are going to Val's cabin. You are not staying here. Loki replies.

'So, what are we going to do with Reindeer games' daughter?' Ironman asks.

Loki glares at Ironman. He hates that name.

'She is going with her father and uncle back to Asgard,' Nick Fury's voice echoes around us. 'Now everyone inside!'

Ironman grabs hold of my arm and begins to pull me with him when I vanish my illusion. Ironman stops and looks around. I smirk at him from Blackwidow's side. He turns and leads the way back inside.

The moment we are inside a large room, Nick Fury and Val's boyfriend enter the room.

'Ironman, Blackwidow, you can leave.'

The two Avengers do as they are told with a few glances back at me.

'Loki, you will take the two of them with you. And both you and your daughter are to never come back.'

The fuck? I forget I'm still linked to my father, telepathically.

Language, he snaps at me.

Loki nods at the Director and Fury leaves the room. Loki turns and moves his hands a bit and a portal opens. 


So Raven is finally leaving after ages. She probably has a really good plan for getting back to Fury for his poor treatment. But who knows. Guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.

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