Part 13

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A few minutes later, I walk out of the bathroom. I march into the kitchen and glare at Val's boyfriend.

'What the fuck is this?' I ask him, pointing at the striped shirt and shorts that I've chucked on under the dressing gown he gave me. He smiles a little. I pull the dressing gown tight around me.

'I want real clothes now!'

'I'm sorry, your highness, but you will have to wait. The whole world is trying to recover from half of the population disappearing and lots of places going up in flames,' he spits sarcasm.

I open the door to Val's room and walk-in, ignoring Thor and Val. I open the cupboard and growl at the crap choice of clothes she has.

'If you're looking for clothes for yourself, Raven, check the bag in the office,' Val's voice comes from behind me.

I turn, smile sweetly at her and leave. I find the bag and run back to the bathroom. I quickly get changed into long-sleeved clothes than go back to Val's room.

Val holds tightly to her father's hand and looks up at me with tears filling her eyes.

'Oh, Raven, I'm so-'

I turn and run out of the room and out of the cabin. I run through the woods until I find myself somewhere quiet near the river. I sink to the ground and press my back up against the tree. My bare feet dig into the dirt, and I watch the water as It flows by me. I close my eyes and open my mind.

Loki? I call out into space. I wait silently, hoping for an answer.

Daughter, Loki's familiar voice replies. How are you doing?

I'm fine, although I don't know how much I can hold this up. What about you?

You're doing fine. It's not for much longer. I'm so close, but for this to succeed, don't call out again.

I let out a sob.



Be strong. He disconnects, leaving me reeling in fear. I keep my eyes closed, pull my knees up to my chest and sit hunched up.

'Raven? Oh god, what's wrong with her?' a young female voice gasps.

Someone lifts my head gently and shines a bright light into my eyes. They let my head go. I nestle it back into my knees.

'She's reacting but not much. She's in shock. You will have to move her and make sure you keep her warm and hydrated.'

Someone pushes a cup to my mouth. I duck my head lower. They sigh, and voices talk. Someone picks up my wrist, and there's a sharp sting and slight pain that stays. I clench my teeth and try to block it out. I need to concentrate.

The room cools, and I shiver. Something warm and soft is draped over my shoulders. My body squeezes in pain, and my mind hurts, but I keep going.

'What's wrong with her?'

'I've already told you, she's in shock.'

'That was a month ago.'

'Have you tried moving her around?'

'She moves. She lies down at night but hunches up during the day. She always keeps her eyes hidden from us.'

'Jesus, what happened to her?'

'Doctor reckons she's in shock, but that was five weeks ago.'

'She's been like that for five weeks?'

'Any idea why she's like that? Casting a difficult spell or something?' a different voice comes in.

'There's no reason for her too. We're safe. No one knows where we are.'

'Maybe she's hiding something from you?' someone's suggests.

I close my eyes. They're so close to the truth, it's crazy, but I have to keep going.

'Have you tried putting those weird handcuffs on her?'

'No. If she's casting a spell, then it must be important.'

Months past but I don't stop. In the day, I hunch up against the wall or the back of the bed and at night, I lie down. Val would come in a lot and try to talk to me, but as time passed, she stopped coming until the only person who came would be someone who checked up on me.

'Nice place Thor. Sort of like Wakanda but fancier.'

'Why are we here? Like in this room, I mean. There's a girl that's been unresponsive to the world for a year now, and we are in here for what reason?'

'Thanos is out, and we need to distract him. I do not know exactly the full details of the plan, but I believe that my brother and his daughter have some plan and the only we can get Raven to come back is if we kill Thanos or distract him so someone can kill him.'

'You believe? You're asking us to risk our lives on something you're not even sure of?'

I grit my teeth in frustration. They need to shut up and listen to Thor. He's worked it out somehow, and I need him to distract Thanos.

'Raven, I'm not sure if you can hear me, but all the Avengers and my father have gone. They've left earth. Dad said something about needing to complete a mission. I think they're going to kill Thanos. Can you keep them safe?'

I sigh at my cousin—stupid girl. I've been keeping them safe ever since Asgard was destroyed.

Someone runs into the room than slow to a stop by the bed.

'Tell her!' someone whispers excitedly.

'How do we even know she can hear us?'

'Just tell her!'

'Um,' someone clears their throat. I wince. 'I did it. I killed Thanos. We found him, and we finally killed him. The stones have been destroyed, the gauntlet too, so no one can ever find them again. I killed Thanos for you, Raven, so come back. My daughter misses you.'

I slowly lift my head. 'For you or me?' my voice is scratchy from being unused for so long.

Thor starts. I slowly unfold as I'm finally able to end the spell. I lie down as exhaustion, hunger, and pain fill me.

I smile a little as Thor struggles to answer me.

I will be there in a few days. Rest now, Loki's voice fills my mind.

'A few days from now, I have a surprise for you...both of you,' I tell them quietly as I close my eyes and finally rest. 


So Thor killed Thanos. Well, at least in my fanfic. In Avengers Endgame, do you think Thanos will die? If so, by who? I reckon Nebula should kill Thanos like how she does in the comics.

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