Part 17

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Loki fills me in when I wake up. I've been in a coma for two weeks; Val's fiancé has been kidnapped but he's an adult so would it be adultnapped? Anyway, Val's been busy trying to find her boy and her house is gone. Loki keeps telling me all this as I force myself to quickly get dressed than he takes me to a large room where the Avengers face Valarie. I walk in and stand by Valarie's side. The Avengers draw their guns and bows and other weapons and point them at me.

'Woah, she is on our side,' Thor exclaims as he stands by his daughter's side. I roll my eyes as they lower their weapons.

'Ok Valarie we are here, why do you need us all here?' a girl in red costume asks. Wanda, I read the name from Valarie's mind.

Val looks away and out to the woods. 'My fiancé Alec has been taken from me, he is been held captive we know where he is but we don't have enough fighters. The person who has Alec threatens to take over Asgard and Alec's pack. I need your help.'

I frown. I struggle to see how this includes the Avengers.

'Well, we are here for you Val,' Thor is such a suck up to his daughter. I don't know if he's trying to make it up to her by supporting her no matter what or if he just is a really shitty father himself. Either way I find myself walking up to her and saying, 'We should discuss this in the conference room.'

She nods.

'Tell everyone to meet up and I will tell my most trusted members to join as well. I need to check the perimeter.' Before anyone can answer she shifts into a wolf and runs off. I look around at the Avengers and shrug at their grim faces.

'Well you're looking a lot better Raven,' Captain America tells me.

I nod thanks and open a portal.

'Where are you going?' Thor demands.

'Just to give your daughter a little pep talk from someone she used to know,' I reply. Wolves walk in and change into humans. I step through and appear by the lake. I walk up path until I'm beside Val. She sits up properly and wipes away the tears.

'No use wiping away the tears. I know when you are stressed and upset,' I tell her as I sit down. 'Your pack is here,' I tell her.

'Thanks Raven...the wedding was meant to be today,' she sounds so sad.

I look at her sadly. I know the wedding meant everything to her. 'I know but you need to be strong. Everyone is amazed on how well everything is running. The pack as it used to be is now probably better. Alec would be so proud. As soon as we get him back the wedding will go forwards. Stay strong Val,' I tell her. That's something the old me the one she wants would say. But the new me gags and retches at every word. And smiles at every lie.

She smiles and looks out at the lake for a few moments then she stands up and looks down at me with a crooked smile.

'We need to get back. It's time to get my hands dirty.'

I look up my eyes wide. She just transforms into a wolf and runs. I quickly open a portal and step into the conference room.

Valarie opens the door a moment later and calls out 'Alright it's time,' as she enters. 'Ok, so Alec is been held at an old warehouse outside of Mercy Falls. It used to be an old cotton factory. We have a satellite image of the surrounding,' some dude slides a map across the table to Valarie. I stay back in the corner of the room. I don't really care. I'll find out when I get there.

'Ok, Clint, Natasha, Bryan, I want you on the north side of the fence and the building. I want you to cause a fake attack. On the southside, the rest of us will be entering quietly. We have no idea where Alec is, and this warehouse is huge. Cap and Tony, you will be a team. Take down anyone who gets in the way. Dad, Loki same for you. Bruce, I need you in case all fails. I will give the signal if anything is wrong. Grace, I want you on standby as well. The rest of you I want you with Clint and Natasha causing a distraction. Raven and I will go and look for Kalen, hopefully we will find him and keep him for interrogation. Everyone understand?'

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