Part 3

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I wake up and follow Frigga back into the giant Midgard walk-in-robe. This time she picks out my clothes. She hands me a black spaghetti strap singlet and black jeans. She turns her back as I strip off my bloodstained clothes and put on the black clothes. The Queen turns around, and we walk out of the room and into the hallway. Loki walks up to me and grabs hold of my arm. He practically drags me down and outside to the stables. We jump onto two prepared horses, and we ride out and over the Bifrost. I didn't know it, but that was the last time I saw Asgard in all its glory, and the last time I would see the king and queen.

We dismount and walk into a round golden room. Heimdall stands in the middle of the room as electricity sparkles around.

'What...what are we doing here?'

'You want to go back to live on earth. Now you can.'


'I am sending you back to earth. You are too dangerous to keep here.'

He pushes me, and I trip backwards over my feet and into the opened portal.

I shake my head. Travelling through the Bifrost is overwhelming. Especially when you have a muzzle over your mouth so you can't talk and some special kind of handcuffs that dampen your magic. The Avengers jump to their feet; their weapons are drawn. I move slightly to one side, behind where my father's illusion clone is.

'Thor? Why are you here?'

'I need your help,' Thor's illusion clone replies.

'We have enough to deal with already. Can it wait?'

'We have a big purple monster that we need to work out who or what it is and hide it from the world without revealing ourselves.'

'I know who and what it is. I can help you, but in return, you need to help me.'

'Okay, you start. What or who is the purple monster?'

'His name was Thanos. He was a Titan. A mad one at that. Loki's daughter here,' Thor gestures at me. 'Thanos was killed by her. I need your help to keep her somewhere safe. She is too dangerous to be on Asgard.'

'If she's too dangerous to be in a place surrounded by gods, then what makes you think we can keep her here, Thor?' Ironman asks.

I glance over at my cousin's clone. She's radiating anger, and the room is tingling with electricity. I move close to Loki.

Father, she's going to cause a huge electrical storm. Inside. If you don't remove this muzzle thing, everyone is going to be electrocuted. I warn him telepathically.

Loki's clone sighs and removes the muzzle thing. I run to my cousin's side and pull her away from the Avengers. She at first resists, then she allows me to pull her over to the wall. We slide down the wall and onto the floor as I whisper to her to calm down. She eventually does, and the electricity in the air disappears. I slowly stand up and decide to do something. I cast an illusion clone of myself. Pain fills me as I struggle to stay standing. Such an easy spell as casting an illusion has become so hard now. I look up and smirk a little until I see my father throwing his dagger at my illusion clone. My clone stops and falls to the ground, and disappears. I collapse to my knees as blood flows down my body. I rest my head on my knees for a few moments as I faintly hear Thor and Loki talking to the Avengers.

'What the hell was that? How is she able to do magic?'

'Those handcuffs do not completely dampen the use of magic. It makes casting an easy spell like an illusion a lot harder and the results, like killing the illusion, as you can see, are twice as much pain and only slightly off being real.'

'What?' Captain America asks.

I stand up. 'Cast a basic spell like an illusion is now hard because the handcuffs only dampen the magic. Doesn't stop it. If an illusion is killed as Loki did to mine, the pain of the illusion of dying is almost the same as it being done to you in real.'

'Thor, who are the girls?'

'The blonde one is my daughter, Valarie; you have already met her. The black-haired one is Raven, Loki's daughter.' Thor replies as he pulls his daughter up to her feet.

'What did you want us to do?'

'Look after Raven. Make sure she does not escape. I do not care where you keep her. Just do not kill her or harm her. My actual daughter will be here soon to help you.'

'What if she attacks us?' America asks.

Thor shrugs. 'She is not my daughter. Ask Loki.'

Loki shrugs too. 'Do not kill her. Do not hurt her if unnecessary.'

Loki shoves me forwards towards the Avengers.

What are you doing? You know I'm about to faint.

I am counting on it, Raven.

America grabs hold of the chains and pulls me around the couch to the other side. I look back at my only family. None of them looks at me. America moves away from me as Ironman steps out of his suit and stands in front of me. I sway in my spot, close my eyes and fall. My head hits the ground really loud. I feel bile building up in my throat, but I swallow it back down and let my body fall limp. Someone picks my hand up and presses something into my wrist.

'Hey, what the?'

The air returns to normal, and my family disappears. I open my eyes and slowly stand up. I shake my head a little to try and get rid of the pain.

'Where did they go?' Tony turns to me.

'They were only an illusion. Not mine. Loki's,' I look around me and choose to stay standing.

'Why did Loki-'

'Because...' I cut him off only to faintly remember that no one listens to me.

'Keep talking.'

'Loki and Thor knew you guys weren't going to react well, and you've already had a run-in with my cousin. Loki sent illusions with me.'

'And why are you here?' Tony comes back with a drink in his square cup. Whiskey, I remember, is always served in a square cup.

'Like Thor already said. I killed Thanos. And they are both sick of me being called a monster and being locked in the dungeons by Odin and Frigga trying to help Loki look after me. They've finally realised that they can't look after me.'

'And why can't they look after you...I'm trying to work out why two gods can't look after their own daughter.'

'Loki has a daughter?' the Cap is very slow.

'Well, it makes sense if Thor has one, then Loki has one too. Wait, so who fucked Loki then?'

I ignore Tony and Captain America as I drop to my knees, clutching my chest.

'Okay, so why...what's with the singlet and jeans?'

I lift my eyes and look up at Tony.

'I'm trying to work out if that's your fashion choice or what?'

I fall onto my side as my eyes close, and I enter black.


I'm not too sure about Tony's character. But let me know what you like about this part.

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