Part 24

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'You know at first I thought you were all just over reacting to a small flu so I did some more tests and I've found out that she's-'

My eyes open and I see Tony walking around the bench talking to Thor. Tony stops talking the moment I move my hand to sit up.

'Uh don't sit up. Not unless you want to be vomiting everywhere.'

I lift my head than drop it as nausea fills me. I close my eyes and wait for the feeling to pass over.

'What's wrong with her Tony? My daughter is freaking out and I would like to go home with good news.'

'Yeah. I don't exactly know what's wrong with her. She is coming up with a lot of different symptoms for...seventy-two different illness. She's going to need to stay here until I can find a way to...cure her.'

Thor cocks his head.

'Oh yeah. The good news you can tell your daughter is that she,' Tony points his thumb at me, 'is awake.'

Thor nods. Thor disappears from my sight.

'And he's gone. That sucks. I enjoy him being around,' Tony stops talking and presses his hands flat on the surface next to my right arm. He tilts his head on the side to look me in the eyes. 'You haven't said a word...oh did you want a drink?'

I close my eyes ready to drift off again when he calls out, 'Why does only Thor come to see if you're alright?'

'You only trust him,' I tell him through stiff lips before disappearing into black.

'and I've finally worked it out. It wasn't too hard,' someone is saying.


'Well did you want the good news or the bad news?'

'Good news?'

'Good news is that now I know why she's like this we can work on getting her the help she needs.'

'And the bad news?'

'She's suffering from lead poisoning and shock.'


'Yeah not the oh no I'm terrified shock but more the hypovolemic-septic-neurogenic shock.'

'What caused it?'

'Lead poisoning was easiest to fine out. When she got shot at McDonalds. Yeah it didn't help when I hit her in the same spot and someone probably took the bullet out wrong and just stitched her up. Which than leads to shock. Hahahaha. The shock is caused by the infection of the wound and heavy internal bleeding.'

'Why haven't you started-'

'I have and I've finished. We only have to wait for her to heal now. In fact, she should have woken up three minutes ago.'

Something brushes against my arm. I don't react because I only faintly feel this. My nerve system has been fucked up for some time now, it takes great pain for me to realise I'm injured and I can't even be tickled.

'Dammit. What's her name?'

'Don't look at me...oh wait Raven. That's what they call her.'

'Raven open your eyes so we know your awake.'

I sweep my hand watching with small satisfaction as the clone disappears off the bench. My other arm wraps around my stomach.

'What the-'

Tony and Bruce spin around and face me.

'Oh no. This is bad. This is very, very bad,' Bruce takes a few steps back away from me. Tony glances at Bruce curiously before moving towards me with his hands out in a peace gesture.

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