Part 9

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I watch as a huge fire monster stabs his sword right through Asgard and a few minutes later Asgard explodes into millions of pieces.

'Brother, when I said I wanted a good seat to watch Asgard burn, I didn't really mean it,' I hear Loki tell his brother. I sink to the floor. My back leans against the small part of the wall that jots out. My head rests against the cold window. Exhaustion finally sinks in and so does the burning pain from the cuts and wounds I somehow got. I keep my mouth closed as I stare out into space. It's hauntingly beautiful. Someone enters the room. I look up to see Loki leaving as two women enter. Thor sits down on a chair. He sees that I'm still in the room.

'Valarie is in the next room. How about you go and see her,' he tells me. He's kicking me out of the room. I get up to my feet, nod my head at Thor and leave, shutting the door quietly behind me. Valarie opens the door on my right and beckons me in. I sigh. I really don't want to be near her. I want to be left alone. I find myself walking over to her and into the room. There's two single beds and a queen bed in the room. As to why there would be beds on this ship I have no idea. I throw myself down on one of the single beds and gaze up at the ceiling. The queen bed creaks as she sits down.

'How are you feeling, Raven?'

I groan at her and close my eyes. 'You do know what is happening and what is going to happen right?'

She doesn't reply.

'Asgard was destroyed. Thanos is alive. Infinity War, Val! It's happening and we have two choices. Let it just happen and go off and do our own thing while everyone dies or we can change what happens. We can save some people.'

I feel her eyes turn onto me.

'Only some?' her voice is quiet.

'Not enough escape pods,' I snap.

She kicks me in the side. I roll off the bed, jump up and glare at her. She glares straight back at me. I let out a sigh and drag a hand over my face.

'You don't trust me, do you?' I ask her as I move around the beds and over to the window. She's quiet. I look back. She catches my eyes and shakes her head.

'How can I when you only stab people in the back? You're just like your father but worse. You're a backstabbing bitch.'

'Ouch,' I whistle, grinning slightly. Took her long enough to finally stand up for herself. I turn back to her and shrug. 'You're right though. You shouldn't trust me. I wouldn't. Not if I were you.'

She's completely taken back. She doesn't know how to reply. I yawn and lie back down on the bed. I turn my head in her direction.

'Don't try and kill me when I'm sleeping. I know you hate me but just let me get a few minutes of sleep,' I tell her.

Her face falls and I close my eyes.

'We will use the escape pods and send the farmers, builders, architects and their families to Midgard ahead. So, they can start building a new home in Norway. There's a beautiful place there.'

'Won't that use all the escape pods so the rest can't escape?'

'We need to send them ahead now Val. Val you can go with them or you can stay here.'

I rub my eyes and sit up, groaning softly under my breath as my body protests at the movement. Thor stands at the end of my bed talking to his daughter. Loki leans against the door, staring at me. I look up as Val finally replies.

'Ok I will go with them, but I have another idea. What if we were to build on the huge untouched land near mine and Alec's packhouse? The area we have is bigger than New York and it will be perfect to build on. It will be a great place to live and it will be a great place to stay. It is also private property, so no one can go in there without permission.'

Thor looks reluctant but he and Loki both nod.

'What about me? What's happening with me?' I can't keep the fear out of my voice. I lower my head. I can't look anyone in the eye. I hate being afraid. I hate people being able to tell I'm afraid.

The room is silent for a few moments. People leave and someone sits down carefully at the end of the bed.

'Raven, I know you are afraid but I need you to be strong. For me,' he sees my look and looks away. 'Well if not for me do it for your cousin. She needs you to be there with her. She will not admit it but she feels confident when you're there. When you are in charge.'

I let out a low laugh. 'What happened to being Loki's daughter? What happened to being called a monster and a backstabbing bitch? What happened to you can' one can trust me? What happened to I'm not in charge?' I snap at him.

His jaw clenches and his arms tense. 'We have realised that you are not like me. You are more in control than I ever could be. You are a leader Raven. It is why your cousin used to be friends with you. Because no matter how chaotic it is you still can make choices that leads to the safety of almost everyone. You can make wise choices and you can lead people because you don't let your emotions get in your way.'

That's the most he's ever said to me. I roll my head; an eyebrow rises as my head tilts towards my right shoulder. He glances at me then away.

'Getting a bit soft, are you?' I ask him.

He stands up. 'You need to help your cousin and Valkyrie lead the Asgardians. Your cousin, of course, will be who they turn to for help but she needs to be able to trust you and turn to you when she needs help.'

'Trust?' I stop laughing when he frowns at me. 'Fine. But what about you?'

'You are leaving the commodore here. I will join you when I can.'

Fear begins to settle deeper inside me when I clench my hands and force myself to let out a shaky deep breath. I clench my teeth.

'Fine,' I repeat. I stand up and take a step towards the door when he grabs my hand.

'We have already sent everyone that is going to Midgard. There is one escape pod left, waiting for you and your cousin,' he tells me as he spins me around to face him. He looks down at me.

'Why can we not have a normal life?' he sighs.

'Because normal is just a word,' I reply.

He looks like he's about to give me a hug or something. I shake my head and step back.

'I'll be fine. Concentrate on going home,' I tell him as I leave the room. Valarie grabs my wrists and winks at someone over my shoulder. I look over my shoulder to see Thor smirking a little. Valarie steps back but it still feels like she's holding my wrists.

'You have got to be fucken kidding me,' I exclaim as I look down. I'm in some weird sort of handcuffs. I try to cast a spell but I can't. I lean against the wall panting, staring down at the handcuffs. They're the ones that prevent me from casting a spell.

'Let's go,' Valarie tells me as she walks quickly down the hall. I chase after her and slow down once I'm next to her. She glances at me and breaks into a run. I run after her and chase her into the last escape pod. There's already at least twenty people in there. They move as close as to the edges as they can to give Valarie some room...and to stay as far away from me as they can. Some dude grabs my arm behind me and pulls me out of the escape pod.

'Why should she go? Why should she, the one that put us all in this position, have more priority to leave than any other Asgardian? She's not even Asgardian,' the dude yells.

I elbow him in the mouth and kick him where it hurts. Dogfighting, I know but we are running out of time. I run into the pod. The door slides shut and the next thing I know we're floating in space.     


In a fist fight who would win? Thor or Hulk? I reckon Hulk would but comment who you think would.

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