Part 18

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*Physical abuse warning for this entire part*

A few hours later Valarie and Alec walk into the home.

'Valarie where the hell have you been?' Thor glares at Alec

'He's ok. I have my Alec back.'

Thor relaxes and a small smile appears on his face while an amused look slips on to Loki. I frown.

'We are going to go to bed.'

I gag. 'Val, can I speak to you alone?' Val looks at Alec and he nods and leaves the room.

'Can we trust him?'

'Yes, he is fine. He is back to normal. I've healed him.'

Doubt still fills me but I nod and leave to my room. After hours of tossing and turning, I give up and creep down to the living room. I look through the movies and find a horror movie. They're easier to watch and just tune out of for some reason. I put the horror movie on and sit back and half-watch it.

About halfway through it, two people walk into the room.

'I will take them to the car,' a guy says.

'What car are we taking?'

'The SUV.'


I pause the movie as some dude cuts the throat of some chick.

'Coffee!' Val calls out.

'If you're making it,' I reply. Yeah. There's no chance of me getting any sleep. I can barely sleep any more. It's insomnia. It's playing up bad lately. Despite how tired and exhausted I am I can't sleep. I enter the kitchen as Valarie puts two coffee cups on the counter.

'How long are you gone for again?'

'Three months,' she says while pouring the coffee. She looks up at me and hands me her cup. I ignore the fact that her eyes have turned black again.

'Why so long?' I blow the steam away from the cup.

'Another pack needs our help.'

'Why do you need to help them?'

'Do I not need to remind you, I am the queen of the wolves. It is my duty to help,' she says all royally.

'Wow you really sounded like your dad,' she rolls her eyes and leaves. I quickly pour the drink down the sink. I follow Loki out into the hall.

Val turns, look at her father, smiles and hugs him. Her eyes flicker on to me but she only nods and hugs Loki.

'I don't care how badass you are,' she says as she walks up to me and hugs me. My eyes widen as I stand there uncomfortable with it. She lets go after a minute.

'Alright I'll see you in a few months,' she walks out of the house and climbs into the SUV. I move out on to the deck and watch as they drive off. I see Val turning and looking back at me. Once the car is gone I turn and walk back inside and finish watching the movie despite Thor's comments through it and Loki's remarks on what the guy did wrong.

It's been two days since Val and Alec left-back for Australia. Loki and Thor keep a close eye on me with one of them always accompanying me to the lake or in the forest. The only time they leave me alone is when I'm in my room or the bathroom. I look up from Val's bow and at Thor as he leans against a tree next to me. I lift the bow, draw the string until my thumb brushes my cheek, aim the arrow at the cluster of arrows already on the tree and release. Thump. The arrow buries into the tree. I lower the bow and turn to Thor. Curiosity burns off him.

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