Part 7

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Go! He yells at me.

I grab the boyfriend, and we run into the portal and out into a forest. I look back and see Loki suddenly appear right behind me.

Let's go! he pants as he grabs hold of my arm.

Why are you holding my arm?

You are going to run off, he glances at me.

I look around me as we walk around trees and across the gravel road. The boyfriend pulls out a set of keys and opens the house. Finally, he's useful. Thor joins us, and we wait as the boyfriend opens the door. I rub my neck and move away from Thor. He glances at me and notices my hostility to him. He sighs, and we enter the cabin.

Loki and Thor follow the boyfriend into what seems to be a living room where a fire roars. My cousin hides in the shadows with her bow pointed at me. I lift my middle finger up at her and make myself comfortable on her soft couch. Val walks around the couch with her bow still in her hand with an arrow ready on the string. She stands in front of me. I rub my neck and glance at her father, hoping she would get the message. She sighs and lays the bow on the ground at my feet and does some weird crafty shit which heals my fucked-up throat.

I sigh and look around me. 'Thanks, cous.' I grit my teeth as a little bit of pain still lingers, but I keep going. 'Hey Thor, why were you still outside? Were you having tea with the birds in the trees or something while you were waiting for us or what?'

My cousin topples over. I nudge her with my toe and watch as she struggles to get to her feet. She gives up, and her boyfriend helps her up. He kisses her on the forehead...again. Bile fills my throat as my stomach heaves. I jump off the couch and race out of the cabin and lean against the wall next to the door. I struggle to try and stop myself from vomiting. Loki walks out just as I dart behind a tree near the house. I groan and wipe my mouth as I stumble back to the house.

'Are you alright?'

'Fine,' I reply as I spit out some gob of sour-tasting shit.

'Do not run off again.'

'Just try and fucken stop me,' I spit at him as I walk back into the living room where Valarie is lying to her father. I grab hold of my cousin's arm and drag her into a room out the back. From the looks of the bed, it's her room. I shut the door behind me and turn to her.

'It wasn't a silly dream, and you know it. Did you see the future or what?' I demand answers, and she demands peace.

'I was back on Asgard. I saw my dad and Loki on the floor. Loki was stabbed and bleeding out. My father was lying there with no heartbeat. I saw a woman with spikey antlers and a green and black outfit. Alec ran towards her, ready to attack her, and this woman threw five spears at him, killing him instantly. She killed the love of my life, and I screamed. The memory of you being healed by me came back, than the woman came back and picked you up by your neck and choked you. She stabbed you as well, and you died. That's when I woke up. I couldn't breathe, Ray. I needed to get out of there. When I knocked your father over, I saw what I saw in my dream; him lying on the ground, bleeding out,' tears form in her eyes. 'I can't stand losing you all. Not like that,' she sobs.

I sigh. 'You know if Loki or I ever thought that we were in trouble, we would make sure we weren't there, and I don't think your father can die. I don't know about your boyfriend, but you know we can't die. Not by the hand of an enemy.' I lean against the door with my arms folded. I really couldn't care less, but for some reason, I felt compelled to stay.

'I think it's time to go back out,' she tells me.

I nod and break the telepathic connection with Loki. The whole time she was talking, I was sending it to Loki, so he knew and could tell Thor. I open the door and walk back to the living room. I stand in the doorway that leads to the outside. Val slowly enters the room.

I turn my back to the family and slowly leave the room and outside. Footsteps echo behind me, and I break into a run. I run past trees, and branches break underneath me—an arrow whistles past me and lands in the tree next to my leg. I duck behind the tree, my heart pounding in my chest.

'Raven, stop running. Come with us. We need to do this together. As a family.' Val yells.

I groan. 'Don't you get it?' I yell back as I dart behind another tree. 'I don't get this. I don't get to be a part of a family. How can I when I'm nothing but a monster?' I run to another tree. There's at least a hundred metres to the next tree.

'Don't make me do this, Raven!' her voice is too close.

I decide to go for it. I run at least fifty metres out only to stumble, clutching my leg. That fucken bitch shot me. I sit up with my arms wrapped around the knee of my injured leg. I stare at the arrow that has gone straight through my leg. Val walks out with an arrow pointed at me.

'Put that thing down!' I snap at her.

She keeps it aimed and ready to shoot at me.

'Val...please?' I call as fear pumps through my veins.

She looks over her shoulder and into the darkening forest. Wolves begin to howl. I grit my teeth and slowly stand up on one leg.

'Stay down!' she whispers harshly at me.

'Shouldn't we get out of here?' I whisper back.

She shoves me backwards, and I fall back onto the ground. I stare up at the starry sky as bushes and leaves rustle around us. I let myself fall limp a little until I'm lying comfortably enough on the hard, cold ground. My cousin stays standing, her bow still at the ready.

'Stay here and keep my bow. Shoot if you need to,' she whispers to me as she chucks her bow to the ground next to my arm.

I grab hold of it and sit up. I watch her as she turns into a white wolf. The shadows break, letting a pack of wolves out. The wolves surround us. My cousin slowly circles me until another wolf comes and stands beside my cousin. The new wolf lets out a howl. The forest becomes silent, and the pack moves off into the shadows. I lower the bow as the two wolves that stayed with me turn back into my cousin and her boyfriend.

'The fuck is going on with you two? Why can you turn into wolves? Are they like you? Are they people too? You know what never mind. I don't care. Just get me out of this creepy forest and get this fucken arrow out of my leg,' I snap at them.

'Are you going to run when I heal you...again?'

I glance into the shadows. 'Not since I know there are fucken wolves out there.'

'Okay. Break the shaft,' she orders her boyfriend as she kneels next to me, careful to take the bow and arrow out of my hands first. He breaks the shaft of the arrow and pulls the arrow out of my leg.

'Fuck you!' I growl at him.

He just grins at me.

'Oh, leave him alone. If it wasn't for him, you would be mauled to death,' my cousin snaps at me.

I lie back down on the leaves as my cousin does her witchcraft.

'Done. Now do not run. I will not hesitate to tell my pack to come and eat you for dinner.'

'Yeah fuck you too,' I jump to my feet and follow her back to her house. Her boyfriend walks behind me, making sure I don't runoff.

We enter the cabin to find Loki has made another portal and is waiting for us. Thor and his daughter walk through first, followed closely by the boyfriend. I cast an illusion clone and turn myself invisible when Loki turns his back on me, and my illusion walks through the portal. Loki follows my illusion through. The moment Loki is gone, I turn myself visible and make my way to the door. A cold hand grabs hold of my arm and drags me forcefully back into the living room.


Raven is a bit hesitant when it comes to going through portals. I wonder why that is? Comment below why you think it is.

Who do you think would win in a mind argument?

Loki or his daughter, Raven?

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