Part 27

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Hours later I wait for Valarie to get home. The door opens and I move off the wall and cross my arms. Valarie enters.

'Where were you?'

'Shhhhh,' she looks out the window and smile etches on her face. A moment later she runs back outside. I turn around and walk stiffly back in to the kitchen. I'm tired, sore and I feel raw. Like everything has been stripped back and revealed. Well I guess it has with telling them everything. Loki and Thor can't look at me.

'Dad, this is Robert and Ann, Alec's parents,' Val calls out as she brings them in to the living room. I take one look at them and my face pales. I back away from them.

'Ray! Are you other words how did you go today?'

I don't reply. We walked towards Asgard and I stroll through the markets.

'So, are you going to tell me what happened today?' she has no idea what's she's just done. She may have found her boyfriend's parents. But she's also found another piece of my past. The two parents and the baby. The parents survive somehow. The baby didn't. That's why the cops never came and told me that they were dead.

'Look Val let's not talk about it,' I reply glumly. I should have never made friends with her. Let her get so close to me.

'Why? Do you not trust me?'

'It's not that.'

'Then what is it?' she yells. I watch as the people back away from her.

'Look Val, you are too innocent to know,' I keep my voice down.

'Need I remind you that I've been through stuff as well. It scarred me as well. Dam I am scared like a little girl because of it.'

'Val, I didn't want to hurt you or for you to hurt yourself,' I snap back. Honestly not even the Avengers could handle it. Let alone her father and uncle.

She falls in to silence and I lead the way back to her home. When she gets in she asks where her father is and someone replies that he's doing some business in Asgard. She turns to me. She asks me if I want to watch a movie for a bit. I nod blindly and collapse on to the couch. She puts on Kong Skull Island. I gaze blankly at the screen even long after she turns it off. I sit up and roll my neck.

'Want to watch another movie?'

I look at the tv's clock. 'You know it's almost 12 at night.'

'Wanna do an all-nighter?'

I laugh. Not because it's funny but because it's what she wants.

'Let's watch the new Ghostbusters,' she puts the movie on. 'Remember when we would sneak out of our houses and go to the old abandoned mansion. That place was awesome once we cleaned it up and put a Tv in there.'

I keep quiet and let her keep her memories of me and Alec. For the rest of the night, I let her put on different movies and I stay up; my mind is too noisy for me to even try and sleep. Every now and then I'll make a joke and we'll laugh.

The sun comes up and the sunray blares threw the window. I stand up and rub at my eyes. I look down at Valarie and she's sitting up with her eyes closed.

'Wake up.'

She growls and moves up from the couch. I watch her as she slouches all the way to the kitchen and starts the coffee pot. The moment it is finished she sculls it.

'Don't blame anyone but yourself, you wanted an all-nighter.'

'Meh, meh.'

I laugh...dryly. 'Anyway, what are you doing today?'

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