Part 5

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The door opens, and someone walks in.

'Your cousin is still missing. Where is she?'

I start at his voice but refuse to open my eyes, and I can't talk; my throat burns too much.

'Lift your left hand if you know where she is. Lift your right if you don't know.'

I lift my right hand a little.

'Do you know what I am on about?'

I lift my right hand again.

'Your cousin, Valarie disappeared when you were moved here six months ago. She was last seen at Asgard. Her father needs to find her. So, tell me where she is, and you will start getting some privileges.'

I lean back as much as I can without my neck hurting. I have no idea where my cousin is, and nor do I care. This is all her fault.

'Good luck trying to get anything out of her. She hasn't said a word in ten months. She doesn't even react anymore,' a different voice speaks.

'Director,' the first voice greets the second.

'Cap. What are you doing here?' Fury asks Captain America.

'Valarie is still missing with no sign and-'

'And you thought that Raven, who has been locked up for ten months and hasn't said a single word the whole time, let alone seen anyone, would know?'

The room is silent.

'Cap, I understand you are worried, but Raven can't do anything to help us. She doesn't know, and why would she know.'

'Valarie...' I feel their eyes boring into my skin. 'When we were just friends...she mentioned a house in a forest next to a lake...Western falls...Minnesota,' I drop my head and lean forwards. I'm so exhausted. Suddenly talking has drained me of energy. I feel myself falling forwards off the bench. The chain around my neck jerks tight and keeps my neck upright. The chains on my arms jerk tight, keeping my arms out to my side. I kneel on the ground; the only thing keeping me from lying on the ground is the chains.

'Nick, what's wrong with her? She doesn't look healthy.'

'Cap, it's alright. I will send a doctor in. Let's go.'

Only one pair of footsteps head towards the door.

'Cap, come on.'

'Nick, what is wrong with her?'

'She's probably just faking it. Cap don't touch...'

A warm hand rests on my forehead than on the side of my neck.

'Nick, she has a high temperature, and her heart rate is slow.'

'Okay, Cap. I told you I would get a doctor in, but we have to leave.'

'Why? Why do we have to leave? When even was the last time she has something to eat or drink?'

'Cap! This is not your position! Leave now!'

'You are killing her, aren't you?'


',' I croak.

The room falls into silence as the door opens, and two pairs of footsteps leave.

Someone enters the room. A hand gently lifts up my head.

'Open your eyes,' a different voice orders.

I stay silent.

'She's not following orders.'

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