Part 11

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I  close the portal behind me and look around. There are tents and people everywhere. Val looks around than she sees her boyfriend off in the distance somewhere.

'Alec!' she yells excitedly as she runs towards him. I watch awkwardly as my cousin cries in her boyfriend's arms.

'I didn't know what happened to you, I was so worried.'

Her boyfriend looks over at me. I shrug the bag off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground. I had sent him through a portal back on Thor's ship once Loki said I was able to safely send people. I wanted him safe for my cousin's sake.

Val finally let's go of her boyfriend and steps back. I can see that all she wants to do is just wonder off and talk to him but she remembers that I'm here. She sighs reluctantly and turns to me.

'So, now what do we do?'

I turn and look back at the people. They're going to need homes.

'We build,' I reply.

The boyfriend stiffens as wolves howl. I watch as the people stop what they're doing and look up.

'People are trespassing. People with guns,' the boyfriend tells Val in a hushed voice.

'You need to get rid of them. The two of you. Val, when you get back I've got an idea to hide them,' I point a finger at Val's people.

Val nods and the two of them run off, transforming into wolves to get there faster. I look back at the people and start to walk towards them but stop as some move away. I sigh. This hurts. Really, really hurts. No one trusts me or can even stay in their spot when I'm near. Tears prickle in the back of my eyes. Last time I've felt this alone, unloved and unwanted was when I was in primary school, before I learnt how to make people fear me. I turn away from them angrily and stomp back to my cousin's home, stooping slightly to pick up my cousin's bag. I slam the door open, letting it bounce back behind me and throw myself down on the couch and gaze furiously into the flames. I leave the two bags lying on the floor near the front door.

After a while, I'm still angry, so I jump up and search the place until I find my cousin's bow and arrows. Best unknown to anyone, I'm great at archery and even better at sword fighting. Hidden talents, I accidentally learnt at one of the many camps I've been sent on. I stamp my way down a path and through the trees until I'm hidden from both the cabin and the people. I draw myself a target on a tree with a few squished berries than step back and fire arrow after arrow at the tree.

'So, this is awkward. I thought only Val was good at archery,' an unfamiliar voice breaks the silence I've cloaked myself in.

I grunt as I pull another arrow out of the tree. He sighs and branches break under his feet as he moves closer to me. He lays a hand on Val's bow and the other on my shoulder. I glare over my shoulder at him, Val's boyfriend, but he doesn't back down. His grip tightens and after a moment, I reluctantly let him take the weapon. He collects all the arrows and we walk back to the cabin.

'Now what's this amazing idea to hide the Asgardians?' he asks as he boils water in a kettle.

I lean against the bench and watch him. 'We can use the same tech as Black Panther's people do. Their shield keeps them hidden and you know, since they've changed their ways and all, I thought maybe you could go and see if you can find out about their tech and bring some of it here.'

'And how do you hope to mass produce it?' he pours hot water into a cup.

'Duplication spell. One that doesn't fade away instantly,' I shrug.

'And how do you hope to do that? You don't even know the spell and your father isn't here to teach you,' he turns and places the cup on the bench in front of me.

I look over my shoulder. Loki isn't there but it's a habit. 'He gave me some books, he took some time ago.'

He raises a brow.

I sigh. 'It doesn't matter whether or not if it's what I want, people will still teach me what they think I need to know...including teaching me some magic spells,' I tell him as I move my hands to cast a spell. The books appear above my hands than drop into them. I place them on the bench in front of me. His jaw drops. I ignore the books and his reaction.

'Whose drink?' I ask as the cup continues to sit in front of me.

'Oh...yours,' he tells me.

I frown. 'What is it?'

'It will help you rest,' he replies not looking me in the eyes.

I glare at him.

'Look, you really need to get some decent sleep and if you aren't going to let yourself naturally go to sleep then I'm going to have to give you a bit of a drug to get you to,' he tells me. 'Now either you drink that whole damn drink now or I will force feed it to you,' he threatens.

I roll my eyes. 'What about Val?' I refuse to touch the cup. He frowns and walks to the front of the cabin. I sit on the steps that lead up to the cabin and wait, silently staring out in to the bush. The boyfriend moves restlessly behind me and after a few minutes, I look up. He's pacing behind me.

'So, what's your name?' I ask him to fill in time.

'Alec,' he mutters.

'She's going to be fine,' I tell him to try and calm him. He glares at me.

'Says the girl who had to save her all the time,' he snaps.

'She's grown stronger. She's better than she ever could be. Especially with me always somewhere locked up,' I shrug. I hate what people have done to me but hey if I make jokes or pretend I don't care about it, it scares them. It hurts me but it scares them. Branches break and I ignore it. There's movement and a bloody white wolf limp out of the forest.

'Valarie!' I yell and point at her. Valarie stops and collapses. Alec runs to her and I follow closely behind.

'Why hasn't she changed back?' he asks quietly half to himself. I spot the open bleeding wounds on her neck, back and one of her legs.

'She's losing a lot of blood. Can you carry her inside? Her room will be the easiest. I will find some things to try and clean up the wounds,' I take charge. I've looked after more than enough wounds but these are the worst I've ever seen on her. The boyfriend looks at me and sees my worried face. He gently scoops up the giant wolf and I ran ahead into the cabin. I pull the bed out in to the middle of the room and shove everything up against the wall. I fly through the house until I find the bathroom. I drag in buckets and fill them up with hot water and a little bit of soap. I find towels and soak them in the water. I carry the buckets and towels in to the room and lay the towels gently on her wounds. She's lying on her side. It's easier that way for her to breathe. I watch as her wolf form shakes and whimpers in pain. I look up to see Alec standing in the doorway.

'Go and ask the Asgardians if there is anyone who can help heal wounds. Exact words. If others ask why and they aren't healers, tell them in case anything happens in future. But take the ones that are of help. We need them here,' I tell him. He runs out of the room leaving me with my cousin. I pull a chair up beside her bed and keep myself busy with replacing the towels with clean wet ones. It scares me how much blood the towels are soaking up.

Part 11 on wattpad


Who is your favourite out of Loki and Thor? I'm still undecided but I am leaning more towards Loki. Comment who is your favourite.

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