Part 26

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 I wake up as the sun is rising and literally fall out of bed. The door swings open and someone wearing leather and a cloak walks in. I rub my eyes and check to see who it is. It's him of course. Always him. Well I suppose it's better than his big electric oaf of a brother.

'What are you doing on the floor?'

'Checking the ceiling,' I sit up smirking. I move over to my wardrobe and step in looking at what to wear.

'Don't wear your normal outfit,' he tells me as my hand reaches out for it. A plain green long sleeve top, black jeans, black boots and green hoodie and golden lines sewn here and there.

'Why not? You are,' I point out.

'I'm not the one revealing my past to enemies,' he replies dryly. He stills doesn't think this is a good idea.

'You know why I am doing this,' I have another look around my wardrobe. I pick out my normal outfit, only changing my shirt for a green tank top.

Loki sighs dramatically. 'Really?'

'Piss off drama queen,' I shut my wardrobe door and quickly get changed.

I step out into an empty bedroom and walk through the house and outside. Thor and Loki are milling around aimlessly.

'Oh finally. Let's go,' Loki grabs hold of his brother and they disappear. I teleport myself to the throne room where they are waiting. It's part of the plan. Go to the throne room and wait for the Avengers and then shows on.

The doors open and I look up from my hands and watch as the Avengers file in and form a semicircle at the bottom of the stair. Thor sits on the throne and Loki sits at the top of the stairs to the side, leaning against a pole. I sit on the middle of the stairs.

'Why are we here Thor?'

'And why are you all sitting up there?'

I turn sideways and look up at Thor. He stands up and walks down the stairs, his cape brush against my shoulder as he walks around me. He stands in front of his friends and greets them loudly.

'Thor seriously why are we here?'

'Because I am sick of you all judging me unfairly,' my voice echoes in the room. I don't stand up. No need to. I will only fall back down again.

'Whoever said-?'

I show them every single memory of anyone calling me a monster.

Minutes pass and I end the spell. My eyes clear and I find that all the Avengers are either half kneeling on the ground or leaning over panting.

'What was that?' Tony yells.

'It was like...I was there. But it was aimed at me...' Cap pants. Cap looks down as he straightens up than he lifts his gaze up to me. 'I was seeing it through your eyes. Wasn't I?'

I look around at the other Avengers. They're all quiet. Even Tony has stopped yelling.

'You were. All of you were,' I'm saying it quietly but it still comes out loudly. My ears haven't adjusted yet. It happens. Every time I do a spell my ears pick everything up louder.

'That still doesn't answer the question. Why are we here? And what was that?'

'You're here because I'm going to tell you sometimes show you what I've been through. And that was a spell so you could see the memories I choose to show you.'

'Why are you doing this?'

'Because it's killing me with no one knowing and what better way to do it than to show those that judge me the most what I've been though. Now can we get started?'

They look around than at each other. Cap nods.

'How are we going to do this?'

'I'll start from the beginning. Abounded and found on the side of a road with a note saying only my name I got taken and when I turned two I was finally taken to my first foster home...' I trail off as I show them the memories of being there. Ending with the one where I killed them all. 'Cops came the next day and I was moved off to my next home.

A movement outside the door lets me know that Valarie is there. Bitch went against her word. I stop talking. I glare at the two huge doors and hear that she takes a step back and then there's a thump. Footsteps run down the hall.


Finally Raven is telling them her past. I wonder why she doesn't want Valarie to know. Keep reading and find out.

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