Part 8

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What the?

I fall through the portal and onto the Bifrost in Asgard.


I stand up and stare around me. The time is frozen. A woman, wearing black and green, looking much like a rip off Loki, is standing at one end of the bridge with an army of dead-looking guards in front of her. A massive wolf fights what looks like Hulk. Behind us is all the Asgardians trying to board a longship. With a crashed ship on the ground of the Bifrost bridge with a woman in a silver and blue outfit firing a weird-looking gun at some more of the guards. All of this is frozen. No one moves; it's weird.

'Raven, you work with Loki. Valarie, you work with me. Alec, you help everyone get on board that ship. Loki, whenever you're ready, unfreeze time,' Thor orders.

Loki snaps his fingers, and chaos begins.

Guards run at me and everyone else. I pull out my daggers and stab any that come my way. As I'm killing them, I look around and see that everyone else is doing the same.

After some time, all the guards lie dead. We move next to Thor and face the evil princess. I frown. This is just like the movie, except Thor hasn't lost his eye, hammer, or even knows his powers' full extent.

'Loki, get rid of the illusion.'

Loki moves his hand, and then we see the real Thor. He's lost his eye, his hammer and is crackling lightning. I move away as my cousin gapes at her father. Thor runs and starts throwing lightning bolts at the woman. She magics daggers out and throws them at him.

After some time, Thor is thrown to the ground at my feet. I watch as everyone tries to take down the woman, but none of them can. I sigh and step over Thor and make my way to the woman. She magics out a sword and holds it, ready to stab me. I rise my hands.

'I'm not like them,' I tell her.

'Raven!' Someone yells at me.

I ignore them and stay focused. I need to stay focus otherwise...I don't know what will happen, but I do know I will lose everything.

'And who are you?'

'It doesn't matter. I'm just nobody.'

'Well, are you going to try and stop me, or are you going to waste my time?'

'I don't know,' I shrug. 'Look, are you dating anyone?'

'What does it matter to you?'

'Well, are you?'




'Is he still alive?'

'Why does it matter to you?'

I pull out a dagger. 'Because I killed Thanos on earth.'

'Well, if you killed him, than why are you asking if he's alive?'

'Why is everyone calling me a monster?' I ignore her question.

She lowers her sword and comes right up to me.

'What is your name, darling?'

'Raven,' I look back at Loki.

'Oh, is Loki your father?' she's fast to catch on.

'Says he is. Though I don't know, I can't trust him or anyone else. He killed my family now he's trying to be my family, but he's been giving me other people to look after me. Is Thanos still alive?'

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