Part 12

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Footsteps run into the room. I look up and see two Asgardian women standing in the doorway.

'Oh my!'

'What is that?'

'Valarie. She turns into a wolf sometimes. She can't turn. She's too injured,' I tell them tiredly. One of them comes over to where I sit, pulls the towels off and touches the wounds. She turns to the other woman and starts snapping orders out. I stand up and move to the side. The woman that's taken charge turns to me.

'It would help if you would leave. There is nothing more you can do here,' she tells me.

I narrow my eyes at her but stalk out of the room and down to the kitchen. Alec warms up my drink and hands it to me.

'Drink it. I will look after Val,' he tries to comfort me.

I sigh. 'Why do you want me asleep?' I take the cup.

'Have you not seen yourself? You look like a zombie. It would help if you had a long sleep then a long bath. You need-'

'I got it. I need a lot of things, but I don't get what I need, and I most certainly don't get what I want,' I take a mouthful of the drink and swallow it to shut him up.

'Both of you need a home and a family that care about you.'

'Valarie has one. I don't need or want one,' I take another sip as I feel dizzy. I lean against the counter to try and stay up. Alec comes around and grabs hold of me roughly as I sink to the ground. He drags me over to the couch with the drink in his other hand. He lies me down on it and holds the cup to my mouth. I keep my lips sealed. I can't go to sleep yet. He grows impatient and holds my head up.

'Either you drink it, or I will force you to,' he growls quietly.

I go to hit him, push him away from me, but my arms won't obey me. I lie limp in his grip. I partially open my mouth and force myself to scull the rest of the warm drink. Once the cup's empty, he lets go of my head and takes the cup away. The last mouthful of the drink is hard to swallow. My head turns to the side as it slowly dribbles out over my shoulder. My eyes refuse to stay open, and the drug kicks in firmly.

My eyes open partially, and I struggle to see out of them. Everything is hazy. I sense someone moving, so they're in front of my head.

'Let yourself relax, Raven. Valarie is healing. She's just turned back to human.'

I groan as I fight against the drug. The person sighs.

'What is with the two of you being so stubborn? I'm not your enemy Raven. I'm not going to hurt you or Valarie, ever. Let yourself get some sleep. You deserve it,' they continue to try and get me to sleep. I continue to try and fight to wake up. The person lets out a deep breath and hits me in the side of the head. My head hits the arm of the couch, and I lose the fight.

The drug wears off, and my arm twitches. I roll over onto my side, so my back presses up against the back of the couch. My head feels like it's stuffed with cotton. I watch as Alec kneels by the couch and lifts me, so I'm sitting. He moves onto the couch next to me and turns sideways, so he's facing me. I don't like his body gesture, but I quickly realise it's just to support me while I drink some water.

'Val?' I croak once he moves off the couch.

'Alive. She's just coming out of her coma.'

'The people?'

'Safe. I have watched as buildings were built, and I found the tech. Wakanda helped put the shield in place.'

I stand up and move slowly to the front door. I open it and step outside. I gasp. Asgard. I don't know how, but somehow, we have Asgard right outside the cabin. Turning back inside, I see Alec entering the kitchen. I stumble into the kitchen and lean against the counter. Alec turns and sees me standing there. He's cooking something over the stove. The smell hits me, and I gag. Bacon and eggs. I love the stuff, but it's making my stomach churn, and I feel like crap. Alec plates up the food and turns to me.

'This is mine,' he says.

I shrug.

'Didn't think you would be hungry enough-'

'I'm not,' I cut him off.

He nods and eats. I cover my mouth and run outside. The front door slams against the wall behind me as I run down the stairs and through the bush around the cabin. I lean against a tree and take in deep breathes, trying to calm myself down. Asgard catches my eye. I shrug and decide to walk through it. I hadn't even taken two steps forwards when someone pulls me back. I turn and see Alec.

'Not yet,' he tells me as he takes me back to the cabin. He shoves me into the bathroom. He leaves and a minute later comes back with a towel and some clothes. He dumps the stuff on the bench next to the sink.

'Have a shower and get changed,' he orders as he leaves the bathroom shutting the door behind him. I yawn and run a shower.


This part is short compared to the others. Comment your favourite ice-cream—Mine's Choc-mint.

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