Part 10

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I gasp as I see Thanos' ship stopped in front of Thor's ship. It makes our pod look like a grape.

'Valarie!' I call. She appears at my side. 'We need to disappear, and I bet this pod doesn't have enough fuel to get us all the way to earth. Does it?'

'Only enough to get us to the earth's atmosphere, but it will take weeks. Two weeks tops, but then it's going to be a hard entry.' She looks at me. 'Can you make portals?'

'Small ones, but Thanos will still be able to pick this pod and the others out. I'm going to need to hide the pods, and I can only send at least three people a day.' I look around the small room. 'Count how many there are, and I'll start sending them,' I reply.

I watch as she counts them than tells them what's going to happen. Loki was right; everyone naturally listens to her, and she turns to me for help.

'There's only twenty-four, including you and me. It's going to take around a week.'

'What about the other pods?' someone asks.

I look up and turn to Val. 'Is there any way we can get the pods to line up? I'll try and send as many people as I can, though,' I ask her.

'Look, I'll take the cuffs off and you need to start hiding us...all of us and make a portal,' she replies as she moves her hand to her side then takes a firm hold of the cuffs and they fall into her hand. I rub my wrists while looking around me. I immediately cast a hiding spell and put some magic energy into Loki's massive illusion spell he's holding over Thanos and everyone.

'Get them to take a step back if possible.'

She does and I make a portal. A woman holding a baby and a man step forward.

'Well, what are you waiting for?' I snap-through gritted teeth as Loki drops some of his energy and I have to put more of my energy in. They quickly jump through and I wait until we can see them on the other side. Two others step forward.

'Can we?' they ask. Val looks at me hesitantly.

Quit slacking, I snap at Loki. He doesn't reply but I feel less of my energy seeping out into his spell. I nod.

'Last two for now.' Val shoves them into the portal and I fall to my knees. I swear as I struggle to keep the portal open.

'They're through. Shut it!' Val tells me a minute later. I drop my arms and the portal shuts. I close my eyes and feel myself slipping forwards when someone's hands grab hold of my shoulders and push me backwards until I'm kneeling upright again. Hiding pods this far away from each other is exhausting not to mention making a portal every day. I hope that Loki will keep pulling his part of the deal.

'Come on,' they breathe as they pull me up to my feet. They walk me over to the wall and lie me down on my side on the small ledge at the bottom of the wall.

'Okay everyone I need you to find yourself your own area. No fighting, no whining. We're all in this together so deal with it,' Val's voice drifts into silence.

I pull myself up and look around the pod. A few people are asleep and some are whispering quietly to each other. I walk over to where I find my cousin kneeling, facing a wall. She's saying the Asgardian prayer. I don't know it so I wait until she's finished then let out a yawn. She sighs and gets up.


'As if,' I make my way back to where I was and make another portal to the same spot on earth. Valarie picks three people and shoves them through. I wait until we can see them safely on the other side and I shut it. I sit back down drained. This is going to be a long week.

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