Part 19

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I roll over and as there is no pain I sit up gasping. I look around me. Once I realize where I am I calm down. I drag my hand over my face and slowly slide out of the bed. My feet touch the cold ground and I collapse to my knees. I'm not in any pain but I just can't hold myself up. The door opens and Loki walks in. His hand reaches for the light but sees me on the floor. His hand drops and he walks over to me. He holds out of his hand for me to take.

'How are you feeling?' his voice is soft as I take his hand and stand up. My knees shake and I fall against him. He catches me. Someone stomps down the hallway and the door flings open. Someone flicks the light and I shut my eyes and bury my head in to my father's chest. He wraps his arms around me.

'What is it brother?'

'Valarie has stormed off. I think she is going to kill John. We need to go and stop her.'

'Valarie?' I open my eyes and lean back a little so I can see Thor. My face drops. 'He will kill her first,' I tell them.

'Okay Loki you-'

I step back from my father as I open a portal behind me to the pack cells. I turn and walk through immediately shutting it behind me. 'VALARIE!' I roar. I stumble down the hallway and find Valarie stabbing John through the chest.

'Valarie?' I call out. She pushes the sword through him, telling him something and I come closer. The guy's face pales and I watch as all life drains from him.

'Val?' I whisper.

She turns to me, eyes hungry for yet more blood. I want to step back and run to my father. This isn't my best friend. She's gone. This isn't my cousin. I never had one. This isn't someone I know. So immediately do what I do when I'm in trouble. I sneer and take a step forwards as daggers appear in my hands.

'Valarie,' I greet. 'So how does it feel?' gesturing at the dead guy. She glances at him than at me. I can see I'm scaring her. The blood hunger disappears from her face and I start to see the girl I used to know. The scared girl comes back.

'How does it feel to kill someone?' I ask her, approaching her. She steps back and I see her glance down at her hands.

'I didn't do that,' she whispers.

'Yes, you did!' I snap. Her hands twitch and I hear a storm brewing outside. I walk over and touch the wall the dead man lies against. It freezes over. Valarie runs at me and pushed me against the wall. I smirk and hit the wall with my hand. It breaks and we stumble out in to the storm. She chases me and I dance out of her way. We keep doing this until we're at the lake. I run out on to the lake, it freezes the moment my bare feet touch it. She follows closely and a storm swirls around us. Lightening crackles, hitting trees, rain douses out the fire, thunder rumbles and snow whirls around making it cold and hard to see. Ice begins to grow in sharp points. It's looking crazy but I have no control over my magic. It controls me.

'Raven stop this. You know he had it coming,' she yells over the wind.

'That doesn't mean you had to kill him!' I shout back.

'Why do you care? You know what he did to me. Why are you so protective off him?'

Thor flies down and Loki steps through a portal.

'Stop this madness!' Thor yells. Valarie glares at him as disappointment fills her father's eyes. Loki sighs at his brother's bad choice of words.

'Is it madness? Is it? IS IT!' I yell back at Thor, completely copying Loki from one of the movies. Loki groans.

'And there it is,' he mutters.

Valarie shifts in to her wolf form again and runs off. I go to chase after her but Loki grabs my arm and pulls me back. I wrench my arm out of his grasp and try again but this time I only got to the edge of the lake before the lake cracks under me and I fall in to the cold icy water. The water covers over my head and the strong current sweeps me quickly under the ice.

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