UA Sports Festival: Round One

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The UA sports festival was in two weeks. From watching the sports festivals repeatedly with Shouto when we were younger, the events were completely randomised. If we wanted to do well, then we had to train for anything.

"Homura." I turned around. It was early morning, a weekend from school. Keeping the UA sports festival in mind, it was all I wanted to train for. I had already gotten dressed into my workout clothing, planning to go to my gym. I turned around to Shouto, wearing a blue vest and shorts, I'm guessing his workout clothes.
"What's wrong?" I asked, tying my hair up into a ponytail. He was silent for a moment. He began to walk towards me.
"As you know, the events that'll take place in the festival are completely random. In any case, it would be wise that we work together to get to the top, don't you think?" he said, speaking slowly so I could understand him. I looked at him seriously, thinking about my decision. Even though this was an individual event, it was nice he wanted to work together.
"You better not be tricking me," I said, glaring at him. He stared at me with a rotten face.
"I'm being serious," he groaned. I shifted a small chuckle at his reaction, but returned it to a serious one.
"What made you suggest this?" I asked. He paused again.
"You're probably thinking that even though this is an individual event, it would seem weird for us to work together, even though there's one place available for the top. But, I'm thinking that if we make our way to the top, we train together to strengthen ourselves so if we were to ever fight each other, it wouldn't be a draw like when we normally fight," he said. I thought a little more. He had a valid point.
"So, you're saying that training together to have a better advantage against the others, but also to see each other's weak points for if we ever compete against each other, would be ideal?" I asked, seeing if I understood everything he was saying.
"Yeah," he said nodding, but then turned his head to the side, "that and because the old man could see that it's not just me in this event. He'll see you with me, and not single you out all the time." My eyes widened at his sudden speech, but I sighed.
"He's gonna try and make you use your other side so you can fight with 'his' power, right?" I asked, slightly offended by it.
"You don't have to do this, you know?" he said, reassuring me, "if you want to train alone, that's fine. I just feel bad that he'll only pay attention to one of us, mostly likely me, so I want us to work together. I want you to basically be my other side, but it'll be more powerful that mine." I thought again.
"Mm, I actually like that idea, but it kinda hurts, of course," I said, rubbing my arm. He quickly placed his hands on my shoulders.
"If you feel uncomfortable, then don't do it. I don't want to force you into anything," he quickly said. I closed my eyes, then put my hands on his shoulders.
"I'm gonna show that old man that I'm not weak," I said, confidently, "I'm not the mistake, even if he's said that to me. I'll show him, no, we'll show him the way we fight." With that, he gave me a big smile and a big hug.
"Thank you, Homura," he said, "I'm glad you think that. I don't like the way he treats you, but this is a way to prove it to him." I smiled into his shoulder, but my mind felt something else.

For those two weeks, me and Shouto would train in most of our free time together, mostly without our Quirk to strengthen our bodies. We'd practise arm exercises, leg workouts and at the end of the day, have a match of any kind against each other, changing it everyday to try out different movements on each other. Just how it's always been, Shouto is much stronger than me, but I was much more flexible. In the last few days of the two weeks, we trained our Quirks. We trained in two sections. First, we trained fighting with our Quirks together, then tried it against each other, even though much hadn't changed. If Shouto froze me, I could simply melt his ice, but if I tried to shoot him with fire, he would either block it with ice or freeze it by touching it. We'd eventually stop if he started to freeze his right side or when I started to feel pain on my skin. Overall, it was better than training alone.

"Did you eat?" yelled Shouto from the kitchen.
"Yeah! Did you get changed?" I yelled from upstairs.
"Yeah!" he yelled, muffled from eating his breakfast.
"Alright, I'm coming," I yelled, zipping up my UA jumpsuit before running downstairs. Seeing that Shouto left some breakfast left over, I quickly ate it, then we left the house, nervous but excited for the festival. According to the teachers, we had to arrive a couple hours before to train and to avoid the press. When me and Shouto arrived at the gate, a couple of reporters were already there, having their bags checked. We walked in, seeing several stalls set up of food, merchandise and other little things for the viewers. Fireworks were already being set off above us. When we entered, we followed the signs to our waiting room, seeing several classmates already in there. They started chatting to us, asking if we were excited or not. We answered to be polite, but our minds only had one thought on it. Well, mine had two.
"Everyone, are you ready?" yelled Iida, entering the room, "we will be entering soon!" Everyone started to get their heads together. So was I, when Shouto left my side. I glanced at him going towards Midoriya.
"Midoriya," he said, stopping in front of him. Curious, I went slightly behind him, but to the side so I could see what was going on.
"Todoroki? What is it?" asked Midoriya, almost talking to both of us, even though I had no idea what was happening.
"Looking at things objectively, I think me and Homura are stronger than you," he said, making my eyes widen slightly, and came up to his side.
"Shouto, don't be rude," I whispered, but he ignored me.
"But... All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he?" he continued. Suddenly, I remembered our conversation in the cafeteria, and my eyes started to draw on Midoriya, waiting for his answer. Midoriya noticed my change of character and became more timid. "I'm not trying to pry about that. But we're going to beat you." My mind switched into battle mode, and ended up staring at Midoriya, who was about a few centimetres taller than me, straight in the eyes with a face of determination, which seemed to frighten Midoriya.
"Oh? Are the best in the class making a declaration of war?" questioned Kaminari.
"Oi, Oi, Oi," muttered Kirishima, placing his hands on both mine and Shouto's shoulders, "why are you two picking a fight all of a sudden? Not now, we're about to start!" Shouto knocked his hand away but I glanced at Kirishima.
"We're not here to play at being friends," I said, my voice almost as low as Shouto's, then looked at Midoriya. "I'm sorry for our change in behaviour, but for now, we're not playing games." Shouto started to turn around to leave the room, making me turn around, but glance at Bakugou, who seemed to be staring us down in a nasty bit curious way. I gave him the same look I gave to Midoriya before joining Shouto's side.
"Guys, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me," said Midoriya, making us stop and glance at him, "but of course, you're better than me. I think you're both more capable than most people. Looking at it objectively..."
"Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively," Kirishima tried to say, but Midoriya interrupted him.
"But everyone," he continued, "the students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to fall behind." Shouto turned to Midoriya, giving him his full attention. I glanced at Shouto then at Midoriya's determined face. "I'll be going for it with everything I have, too," said a confident Midoriya, making my eyes widen, then fall onto Bakugou. Even if he hates Midoriya, they have the same determination. I saw Bakugou let out a nasty look, like he was offended by it, but he eyes fell on me, and his face calmed a little. I lowered my head slightly, giving him a small smile. I could tell that he wanted to be at the top more than anyone else in this room. He gave me a bad look, as for now, I was his enemy, but gave me a tiny smile, small enough for me to see.

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