The Rescue Team

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"Well, for all hundred of you who passed the first test, please watch this."
All of us turned to the screen on the wall, showing the empty arena we had been fighting in. Suddenly, the whole field experienced horrible explosions, debris falling everywhere. My eyes widened in horror. What were they doing?
"The next test will be the last one. We will have you all perform recuse exercises as bystanders in this disaster site. We will assume that those of you who have passed the first test have received your provisional licenses and test how well you can carry out suitable rescue procedures."
My eyes widened. I saw figures of children and elderly people stumble out from the rubble, staggering around in desperate need of help.
"They are people who have undergone training to be professional people-in-need-of-rescue and are in high demand right now- The 'Help Us Company', or 'HUC' for short! The people from HUC have dressed up as injured victims and are on standby throughout the disaster site. We will now have you all carry out their rescue. In addition, we will score your rescue based on points and if you have more points than the benchmark at the end of the exercises, then you pass. We will start in ten minutes, so please use the restroom and take care of any other necessary business right now."
I stretched and grabbed a couple more rice balls before we started, just to refill my battery to full. I saw Midoriya, Kaminari and Mineta arguing over something. I didn't pay much attention. I needed a bit more food.
"Didn't you have a plateful already?" Bakugou asked.
"Yes, but I need a bit more," I said, biting into a rice ball.
"Shouldn't you save some? Other people might want it," Bakugou growled. I raised an eyebrow.
"You caring for others now, huh?" I teased. His eyebrows twitched.
"N-no..." he grumbled. I smirked.
"If you want some, then take some," I chuckled, shoving the rice ball in his face.
"Oi! I'm not hungry!" he yelled.
"Don't skip your meals! It's important to eat, especially to power up your Quirk!" I said, grinning hard. Bakugou grabbed my wrist, trying to pull my arm away, but I kept going. Kirishima laughed, but paused.
"Shiketsu's coming this way," he said, his mouth full of food. Bakugou and I stopped mid-fight, as well as the three other boys, and saw the students coming over to us.
"Bakugou," said one covered in hair, "did you see Shishikura- the guy whose eyes look like slits?"
"Yeah. I knocked him out," Bakugou replied, letting go of my wrist and faced the hairy student.
"That's what I thought," he sighed, "I think he probably acted rudely. He must have caused offence. He has the tendency to impose his own values on others. He probably couldn't help himself after seeing you, since you're pretty famous. I would like to build a good relationship with UA. I apologise on his behalf." Good relationship? My spine shivered. Shouto was nearby, and even had his head jerked towards us. I exchanged glances with him. Our eyes drifted to Yoarashi, who stood behind the hairy guy. It didn't really seem like it. Shouto gestured for me to come over to him. As the Shiketsu students started walking away, I walked over to Shouto.
"What's wrong?" I asked, but he didn't answer.
"Hey, you with the shaved head," he said, turning over to Yoarashi, who had now stopped walking.
"Shouto!" I whispered, but he kept me close.
"Did we do something to you?" Shouto asked. Yoarashi turned around, his face darkened by his hat.
"Oh?" he breathed. Another shiver ran down my spine, but ignored the feeling. I had to keep strong. A strong silence fell between the three of us, and I had a feeling a couple of classmates were looking our way. "Well, I'm sorry, children of Endeavor..." our eyes widened. Why did he mention our father's name? "but I hate you guys. You've changed a bit since back then, but your eyes are the same as Endeavor's." My eyes widened and my heartbeat quickened. Without thinking, I stepped in front of Shouto, my arm outstretched in front of him. My eyebrows were twitching with anger. I looked up at him with rage in my eyes. He looked back down at me with the same face. The staring competition lasted for what felt like minutes.
"Yoarashi, what's wrong?" the hairy student called.
"Nothing, sir!" beamed Yoarashi, as if nothing had happened, almost skipping away from us. I watched him leave, and my arm steadily lowered, my fringe covering my eyes. The old man's... eyes. My teeth clenched in anger. I felt so disrespected... I did not like those words one bit. I felt anger channel through my veins, and it felt hard to keep the fire from coming through my skin.
"Hom-" Shouto said, but stopped. A loud bell interrupted our conversation, and our eyes darted to the screen.
"Villains have begun a large-scale terrorist attack! This is occurring in all areas of 'City Name Here'. Due to buildings collapsing, there are many injured." Like before, the room's walls began to open up, revealing the disaster ahead. "Due to heavily damaged reads, the first group of rescue workers have been delayed! Until they arrive, the heroes in the area will lead the rescue efforts. Save as many lives as you can. Well, then... start!" A loud airhorn blew, and right away, we began running towards the destroyed city. I began to focus on our training, and how Thirteen had told us about recusing people. We had to follow the training carefully if we wanted to get our points.
"Let's start by going to the closest urban area! We'll work as a team as much as possible!" Iida said, taking the lead. As we ran, I noticed Bakugou pull away from the group, followed by Kaminari and Kirishima.
"Even if this is just an exercise, this is pretty crazy," Tsu mentioned.
"Everyone, be careful of falling debris!" Ojiro yelled.
"What's wrong, Midoriya?" Iida yelled. Midoriya had stopped, and looking away from where we were running.
"I hear a child's voice!" he said. We all ran over to see a crying boy who looked pretty injured and scared.
"My grandpa! He's been crushed...!" he wheezed through tears.
"What? This is bad! Where?!" Midoriya panicked.
"What's up with that? Minus points!" the boy yelled, looking angrily at Midoriya. "First, you need to check whether or not I can walk! My breathing was weird, too, right? And I'm bleeding pretty badly on my head! Those with provisional licenses should be able to take in a victim's condition in an instant and act based on that! This will show how much you've trained! Look all around you and pay attention! You're not just providing rescue and aid. Until the firefighters and police arrive, you need to exercise authority in their place and do your best to make sure everything goes smoothly to hand off to them. In order to save people, heroes must do many things. Above all, you... we're all scared, hurting and worried out of our minds. The first thing you say is 'What? This is bad!'? That's no good." Midoriya was silent for a moment, and slapped his hands against his cheeks. He seemed to crouch down a little, as if telling himself to calm down. He then breathed deeply and smiled at the child.
"I-It's... fine!" he said, showing off a proud grin. The boy stared hard at Midoriya, like he was analysing him, and fell back into character, crying hard again. "Don't worry, we'll definitely save him! I'll carry this kid to the first-aid area. You guys go on ahead!" We all left Midoriya, heading away to another area. As we ran, we saw many people already attending to debris and the injured.
"Everyone, let us move quickly, as well," yelled Momo, squatting by a collapsed building, "he's conscious. It's an old man."
"The debris is in the way! I'll make them float and move them!" said Ochacho, running towards Momo.
"Please wait a minute," said Momo, stopping Ochacho with a cushion she had made, "please look more carefully around you. A building had collapsed next to his piece of wall, and it's only luck that they're balanced the way they are. That balance can be destroyed if we move anything carefully."
"I see! Oh, no!" sighed Ochacho.
"Let's use a support to prop up the wall before we evaluate him. It'll take some time to put it together, though," said Momo, making several metal pillars.
"Leave that to us," said Sero, walking over with Sato who was finishing a cup of sugar. Together, they made a sturdy pillar, using what Momo has used and debris to hold it in place.
"I'll move the debris that doesn't have any effect on the balance and create a path!" said Ochacho, carefully crawling into the debris. She began tossing over small pieces of debris to Sato, slowly but carefully clearing a path.
"We ended up just watching," sighed Mineta.
"A number of people have already left, but unlike the first test, it looks like it would be better to split up for this one. Let's move in smaller groups," Shoji pointed out.
"In that case, I'll be everyone's eyes from higher grounds. I'll signal you if I spot anyone near you," I said, setting my feet on fire, hovering above the ground. They all smiled up at me.
"I'll go towards the river, where I can use my abilities best," Tsu said.
"I'll go with you," said Shouto.
"Me, too!" smiled Toru.
"Alright, let's go, too!" said Ojiro, talking to Mina, Koda and Tokoyami.
"I'll look, too. Mineta, help me," said Shoji.
"Okay!" Mineta said.
"Alright!" grinned Iida, "depending on the situation, you should also communicate with other schools, and save as many lives as possible! That's including you, Todoroki. If you see anyone else in danger and none of us are nearby, direct them to the victim!"
"Yes, sir," I said, and shot up into the air. I kept a good distance so I could scout out as much as I could and still be able to see the ground clearly. As I floated around, I noticed a couple people in different locations with a couple people from our class nearby. I had to lead them the right way. By the water, I saw someone clinging to a rock. Using good aim, I shot a fireball towards him. It stopped a couple meters above him, and kept a consistent flame to warn others of his whereabouts. As I flew around, I spotted Shoji with multiple ears spread out around him. I looked around and spotted movement under a broken wall. Quickly, I created another ball of light, sending it to where Shoji could see it. He did, and I saw Iida running towards it. I directed them to the movement to get them to check out what was going on. I smiled to myself. I knew I wasn't helping much with debris, but for now, we had to spot as many people as we could and rescue them. It's when I couldn't find any more people that I would stop and step in to help others. During my rounds, I even ran into a couple students from other schools. I would direct them in the same way as my classmates, leading them to victims nearby. I would hear a a polite response as they helped the victims, and I would smile back and continue my rounds.
It wasn't until a few minutes went by that I saw an explosion by a wall of the arena. My eyes widened, worried for anyone who would've been nearby. I started to float closer, getting a closer look, and I froze in shock.
"There has been a large-scale terrorist attack by villains."
I saw the smoke rise from the hole that had been blown up, and out stood Gang Orca, one of the top heroes ever. My heart pounded.
"Villains have appeared and started their pursuit! Hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue efforts while also suppressing the villains."
I then saw a flock of Gang Orca's men run out from the hole, spreading out to different locations. I heard a couple candidates scream with fear, completely freaking out over Gang Orca playing a villain. He's way too strong for any of us. I looked down at Shouto, who had his eyes locked on Gang Orca. I floated down closer to him, and he looked up at me. I clenched my fists and felt the fire burn inside me.
However, I had a bad feeling about this...

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