Chapter 11

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"Hey Avi, do I look good on this dress or is this one better", she whined.

" Take a deep breath its just a normal date Mil,don't stress yourself or over think this. He loves you just the way you are",I said trying to calm her down.

"But wear that crop-top and that crazy jeans with your canvas and take your shoulder bag,don't worry I will style your hair,you will good on it. Who knows? He might pop the question today".

Mil looks excited,scared,nervous, happy, name it. She has scattered her wardrobe just to look for the perfect outfit,anyone she brings out is not good enough,if she wasn't my best friend I would HV left the room since because she has been disturbing me.

She's finally done in dressing up,so I curled her hair and made it look like a natural wave. She didn't wear the dress I suggested she wore something different but she looked good on it.

 She didn't wear the dress I suggested she wore something different but she looked good on it

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"Wish me luck".

" I wish you luck. Just take a deep breath and make sure something amazing happens"

She waved me a kiss and left.


"Please chill before you do some minor damage to the door", I yelled at the person who knocked.

I went to open the door and I saw a pale looking Mary. She walked in without me asking her too. She sat down on the chair she rejected last time she came. Life can be ironic sometimes.

" What's wrong? "

"Its Josh,he-he ignored me"

"Ignored you how", I asked as I closed the door and sat on my bed,rubbing her back gently to try and calm her.

" He was walking with Seb and I called him he just looked at me and kept on walking ",she ended as she sobbed. Okay,she's really in love with Josh.

" Do you guys talk? Are you guys friends? ",I asked.

" No",she said as she looked at me.

"Okay, that's why. I can introduce you to him,what do you say?", I asked.

" You will do that for me?"

"Yea,sure. But it comes at a price"

"What is it?".

" I haven't thought of one yet but I will tell you later but you will have to sign here"

"What you are serious?"

"Do you want me to introduce you to him or not?"

"Fine "

I brought out a blank paper and she wrote ;

I, Mary John promise to grant Avery Adebisi three wishes without complain or argument on the condition that she introduces me to Joshua Richards. If I fail to comply or do otherwise I can or will be sued for every dine I have and own.

Mary John

She signed it and we fixed a date and I also planned how the introduction will take place. She was really happy,she thanks me and left.

I felt really tired and bored staying home all morning, since today was lecture free for I and Mil and since Mil is out with the guy of her dreams. I decided to go out for a scroll.

Just like every normal human being would walk and mind his or her own business that's what I did but since that witch doesn't want to leave me the hell alone,she looked for my trouble,just like always. She intentionally spilled the hot coffee she was drinking on my body. Which normal human being would drink coffee on the road? She is really insane and need to be admitted into a psychiatric home.

"Are you mad?", I shouted at the top of my lungs and people gathered us.

" Are you talking to me? "

"Obviously or should I slap you so you could hear me properly"

"Its like you don't know your mate right."

"Obviously you are not my mate so act matured for ones in your miserable life and leave me the hell alone"

Everyone began to whisper stuffs like"ooohhh,no she didn't ", " she has liver", "she is so dead", " she will regret it", "she is a newbie and "she is talking to the famous Dawn like this", e.t.c but I didn't care,I HV had enough of her shit,I can't take it anymore.

" You know Mil is not here to protect you so if I were you I would mind the way I talk"

"Thank God you ain't me because I don't have low thinking capacity like you. Next time watch where you go cause you won't be lucky next time", I said as I pushed her.

As I was about to walk out, the witch pulled me back through my hair and slapped me twice on the cheek. Oooohhh,she made the biggest mistake of her entire life. I will so treat her like the stubborn goat she is proving to be. I pushed her to the ground laid untop of her and began to punch and slap her. I will so humiliate to the extent that shame won't let her walk on this campus like usual. After slapping and punching her she began to struggle, she used her knee to hit me on my back real hard so I got angry and pulled out some grass from the ground and began to stuff it into her mouth and I forced her to chew and swallow it. When I was done with her,I stood up from her,kick her hard on her waist and left her on the ground as she begged for mercy.

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