Chapter 5

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Joshua's P. O. V

    "Hey bro,you coming with us this evening, right?", Charles asked.

    " Must I go. We can always see each other perhaps we are in the same school,so I don't see the need of a get together.",I said as I laid on the bed.

    "Josh is right,I don't see the need of us going. Will there be beautiful girl there?", Joel,Charles best friend asked and we all smiled.

   " Yes sure. Avery will be there",Charles said excitedly.

   "Who is Avery please?", Joel asked feeling lost.

   " But she is not part of the family and she might not even be pretty.",I said angrily ignoring Joel's question.

    "But she is Milana's best friend. So she is family", Charles defended her.

   " Helloooo, I am lost. Who the fuck is Avery and why haven't I seen her? ",Joel asked again.

   " Well,Avery is Mils best friend. They HV been friends since we moved to South Africa. ( turning to Charles I asked) I thought you like Mil",I said.

   "Well,I don't like her, I love her. And Avery is family. She attends all our family functions. If you attend them maybe you would have seen her.", Charles said,sounding angry.

    " When he is busy grinding those girls,how will he attend? ",Joel said and I rolled my eyes.

   " Don't tell me you are still mad at me. I attend the functions but you know I don't like staying one place for too long. And perhaps if I stay for Aunt Kamsi's death anniversary I will miss her even more........(I hesitated for a while) Okay,fine I will tag along but don't expect me to stay for too long",I said finally giving in,that's what he wants,for me to agree.

   "Okay. I will go too but it is because I want to see this Avery you guys are talking about. I think I like her already.", Joel said as he jumped on the bed landing on me.

    " Yea,you like everybody silly",I said as I pushed Joel to the ground and threw a pillow at him.


  We are finally at a club not to far from school. We are all supposed to meet her,so we can go to a restaurant close to the club. I,Joel,Charles,Dawn,Seb and Dawns best friend Mia are here but we are waiting for Mil and Avery to arrive. I can't take the wait anymore,so I took excuse and went to grab a drink. As I was on my way to meet the rest, I bumped into a lady.

    "Are you blind?", the lady said angrily.

   I looked at the lady talking and dammmnn,she looks stunning with the off shoulder gown she's wearing,she has a sea blue eyes and she has a black long hair with a pink lips. Generally speaking she is hot.

      " Sorry,I diiidn't se-ee you there?",I said stammering.

     "Great now I have to go to the restroom", she said ignoring my apology and walked out.

     Few minutes later, I am with the guys.

     " There you are, where HV you been?", Seb,my best friend asked.

    "I went to grab a drink.", I answered.

   " Okay but where is the drink?",he asked again.

    "Its a long story(turning to Mil I said) how are you, Mil? I thought you came with your friend.",I asked trying to avoid been asked anymore questions.

    " I am fine. Yea I came with her but......ohhhh,there she is",she said pointing to her direction.

    "Sorry,I am late. Shall we?", Avery said and they all nodded.

    Damn,I didn't plan for this. The girl that bumped into me is Avery?.
Damn, I didn't plan for this. This is going to be a very long year.


    We finally arrived at the restaurant. We all sat down and ordered for food,we were waiting for our food to be brought.

   " Hey Avery,do you mind telling us about you?",Charles asked.

    "Well, I am Adebisi Avery. I am 18years old. I am a Nigerian. I am an only child and I live with my dad. And I am studying psychology.", Avery said. For some reasons I find myself interested in knowing all about Avery.

  " What of your mum?",I asked and everyone stared at me like I asked one of the most stupid questions ever asked.

   "Its okay guys. Well,my mum is dead. She died few months after my birth", Avery answered.

      The food has been brought and we are all eating. I can't help but stare at Avery from the corner of  my eyes.

    " You look beautiful by the way",Joel said and I felt a little jealous.

    Avery blushed and said,"Thanks a lot".

   "Why are you deceiving her? Can't you see her gown,it looks like something she washed and wore without waiting for it to dry", Dawn said and I laughed. And again everyone stared at me. Don't blame me,it was kind of funny. If you were in  my shoes you would have done the same.

  " Dawn please don't start",Mil said. I looked at Avery and I saw she was angry but trying so hard to hide it.

    "What? she isn't supposed to be here. She is not family so I don't know why she is here", Dawn said.

   " Mia and Joel ain't family but still they are here so why attacking Avi",Mil said angrily.

   "Hey,why are you guys dragging I and my sister into this?" Joel joked.

   "Because I hate her isn't it obvious.", Dawn said ignoring him

" Enough Dawn. We have had  enough ",I said to Dawn. I know my sister tends to be really annoying and unbearable and if I let her continue,she and Mil are going to kill each other.

    " I HV told you times without number, its not my fault your ex boyfriend dumped your sorry ass. It happened years ago get over it and stop been pathetic ",Avery said calmly yet it sounded harsh. We were all shocked she spoke up and to be quite frank,I was impressed, I thought she would let Dawn walk over her. She dropped her fork,stood up and walked out.

  "Thank you all for this wonderful dinner", Mil said and stood up.

   "And Josh learn to control your sister cause if this repeat itself again hell will break lose",she said and followed Avery.

    "Dawn didn't I tell you to get your shit together. Remind me never to invite you for stuffs like this again", Charles said angrily and left.

      I began to wonder what the hell just happened. Why does Dawn and Mia, hate Avery and maybe Mil?.


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