Chapter 60

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Agatha's P. O. V

     Tears rolled down my cheeks and I wiped it off. I looked at the picture of my family. I remembered when I and my twin sister would jump on my dad's back when he comes back from work and my mum will call us overgrown babies and my dad will tell her to mind her business. I remembered when my brother was killed right in my face, I saw them kill him and I was traumatized for years, I remembered my sister's last words,"Revenge our death, make them pay and always smile you look ugly and stupid with your serious face. Remain happy ". How can I be happy without them? How can I stay happy when I would have thought of something to save them? I blame myself for their death daily, I would have at least protected my little brother.

    I smile to cover the pain, the hurt. I smile to make my sister happy. I smile because I don't want to be reminded of my family, I don't want to be reminded of their death, I don't want to commit suicide. Everything reminds me of them, the bed I am sitting on currently, their pictures, everything. I hate talking of my family, I hate feeling guilty, I hate this pain I feel in my heart, I hate the fact that I can't sleep properly at night without crying, I hate crying myself to sleep. I can't remember the day I slept like a baby, I can't remember when I slept without having to cry myself to sleep, I can't remember the day I was so happy, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard that my stomach hurt, I can't remember the last time I trust someone, I can't remember the day I softened, I can't remember the time I stood up for someone.

      Avery became my friend, she became like a sister. She doesn't seem so happy at times, she reminds me of my twin sister, she's too soft, she can't even stand up for herself, she hurting herself, she's killing herself softly.  She needs to learn how to stand up for herself cause if she doesn't, people will kill her softly, they have started.

    We are similar in a way, we have lost something, we have past, we blame ourselves, we hide our pains through smiles, we have nothing to lose, we have been hurt by those close to us, we feel nothing anymore, all we feel are regret, sadness, guilt, pain. We both have killed before.

     We are also different as well, I am heartless but she's soft, I watched my parents killed before my eyes but her parents are still alive. I don't feel anything anymore but she still cares. I have never fallen in love before but she has fallen in love a thousand times. She has someone who cares for her, who loves and looks after her but I don't. She trust easily but I don't. She let people walk all over her but I don't take shit from no body. I am short tempered but she long tempered(that's if there is something like that)

But there is something we both want more than anything.

We want revenge. We want to see those that hurt us in pain and I won't stop till everyone who killed my family is dead. I promise you, Samantha.

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