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Avery's P. O. V

I has been discharged and have been at home for two weeks. I refused to move in with Mil and Angel and my dad and grandma don't want to press things any further.

I, dad, Pamela, Emma and grandma are sitting on the sofa and couch in the living room.

"So what truly happened Pearl? I didn't want to press it any further cause you were ill, now you are alright can you tell me what truly happened?", dad asked me.

I hesitated before I spoke," Well after Joel confessed, I went to trash Angel. When I got there I found out that they both hate me so much".

"Joel hates you?", Emma asked.

" No, Mil and Angel",I said my voice breaking.

"That can't be", dad said.

"Mil pretended dad. Mil hated me right from our last fight", I ended, trying not to break down again. Pamela stood up from where she sat and sat with me.

" But that was 10 or 11years ago",dad said.

"She is known to hold things in her heart for too long dad...... She made Seb hate me, she told Seb that I encouraged her to lose her virginity.", I stopped.

" Mil is not a virgin?",grandma asked.

"She's not. Seb always liked me dad, he always did. All this years I thought it was because of my looks, I thought I wasn't pretty enough or that I am not tall enough or that I was to small for him. I never knew it was because of my best friend, my ex best friend. ", I ended so I won't cry like a baby.

" Then why does Angel hate you?",dad asked.

"She thinks you love me more than you love her, she thinks I took her life, she thinks I am the cause of you and her mum not been together, she hate me because I dated Joel", I cried, I couldn't control the tears.

" Its okay Avery. They were family but now we are your family. They weren't worth you anyways",Pamela said.

"Thanks",I whispered as she gave her a hug.

The front door opened and Angel walked in and greeted dad and my grandma. Dad stood up and gave three slaps on the cheek, gramdma,Emma, Pamela and I stood up and looked at with in shock.

" What did I do?",Angel asked.

"You betrayed your sister, your own sister how wicked can you be. You slept with your elder sisters boyfriend just to get her back for what? You think I love her more than you, well I don't. I love my two daughters equally, what will ever give you the impression that I love your elder sister more, tell me?", my dad yelled at her.

" Because you talk about her every time, when was the last time you checked up on me in school, when was the last time you told me you loved me, when dad, when?",Angel said her voice breaking.

"I checked up on you last week and yesterday but you weren't in school, your neighbours said you went out with Mil, Dawn, Mia, Seb and Josh.", dad said.

" Its okay dad, she won't listen I guess your supposed loving and caring daughter is gone for good",I said.

"Shut up, Avery. This discussion is between a father and his daughter", Angel shouted.

" Say that again and I will slap you too another tribe. She's your elder sister for Christ sake ",Grandma said.

" Then she should act like one",Angel mumbled.

My phone rang and when I checked who was calling I saw it was Charles, I quickly took an excuse and went to my room to the call.

"Hey Avery, are you home?", he asked.

" Yes, why? ",I answered with a question.

" Well, I am outside your house, can you come outside? ",he asked.

" Sure, just give me a minute",I said and hunged up.

I ran down the stairs and I saw Angel climbing the stairs she looked at me like she could kill me if given the chance. When I finally reached downstairs I asked.

"What happened?"

"Nothing much. Her mom sided her", Pamela said.

" Her mom is home?",I was confused.

"Yeap, we didn't know as well", Emma said as he sat down on the sofa.

" Was that all that happened? ",I asked.

" Dad was angry so he went out, I guess he didn't want to slap his wife",Pamela explained.

"What of grandma?", I asked.

" She is in the kitchen ",Emma answered.

" Guess I missed a lot then (I remembered Charles was waiting for me outside) Charles is waiting for me outside don't want to keep him waiting much longer, tell grandma I will be back in a jiffy ",I said and ran outside.

I saw his car back opposite my house, I crossed and entered into his car.

" sorry for the delay"

"Its fine"

"How is your health? Hope you are getting better?", he asked touching my neck.

I laughed and said," I am fine".

I looked at him and saw how uneasy he felt, he had this mixed look of happiness and anxiousness.

"Are you okay?", I asked.

" Yes",he answered quickly.

"Do you mind telling me what this is about?", I asked referring to his mood.

" I will be travelling back to Nigeria, so I won't be in school for a while but I will be back in time for exams ",he answered me.

" So you are leaving me?",I faked a frown.

"Am not, I will be back before you know it", he said.

" Can I ask why you are travelling anyways?",I asked.

He smiled and gave me the shock of a lifetime, "I think my sister is in Nigeria".

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