Fight (KISS x Babe)

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I've known the members for many years now but I still rarely spoke to Gene. So believe me when I say that I was shocked when he called me.

'Wanna come to the studio?' He asked as soon as I answered the phone.

'I don't know.' I sighed. 'Tell Ace to come and get me. I'll be ready in five.' I told him.

'Will do.' And with that he ended the call.

Usually it was Eric or Ace, and sometimes Paul who called me asking if I wanna hang out in the studio. Still surprised I put on my shoes and the black leather jacket that has a KISS patch on the back. I put my cellphone into my pocket and waited for Ace to arrive. After ten minutes of waiting someone was knocking on my front door. I opened the door to see Eric with a big smile on his face.

'Babe!' He shouted while hugging me.

'Fox!' I smiled. 'I thought Ace was gonna get me.' I closed the door behind us.

'He's fighting with Gene right now.' He shrugged.

'Why?' I looked at him concerned.

'Dunno. They were already arguing when I got there.' He opened the car's door for me.

'Then why did Gene call me?' I blinked still confused.

He shrugged and went to the drivers seat and sat behind the wheel. He started the engine and a few moments later we were outside the studio. I got out of the car and we went inside. When we went into the room Paul turned around and let out a laud sigh.

'Thank God you're finally here.' He said hugging me.

Ace was sitting on the edge of the stage and Gene was sitting on the couch nearby arms and legs crossed.

'What happened?' I asked walking to them.

They just pointed at each other. It took me a whole twenty minutes before Gene started to talk.

'He said something about me and you.' He stated.

'What exactly?' I asked.

'Don't try to blame it on me. You said she's never gonna pick someone from us even if it depends on her life.' Ace stood up throwing his hands up.

Gene rolled his eyes and Eric was about to say something but decided to keep it to himself. I looked at Paul who sighed then opened his mouth to speak.

'They were talking about random girls and fans and what they like about a woman. Conclusion was you. But they couldn't agree on who would you choose from the band..' He said sitting down next to Gene.

'So you two argued about Babe?' Eric pointed at me unbelievably.

Both Ace and Gene nodded in shame and I started to laugh. All four men looked at me in confusion.

'What?' I held my stomach which hurt from the laughter. 'I thought that it was obvious that I would choose Eric.' I walked next to him. 'Look at his pretty face, and by the way have you seen him as the Fox?' I held his face in my hand while turning it towards the others.

'OH' was the only sound leaving Gene's and Ace's mouth. 'We didn't think of him.' Continued Gene.

'Thanks man.' Said Eric in annoyance.

'So I don't understand the fight about it guys. You should've just asked me.' I said hugging Carr.

'I think we should start rehearsing now.' Said Ace picking up his guitar.

'Finally something smart coming outta your mouth.' Said Gene annoyed.

I just rolled my eyes and let go of Eric then sat down on the couch. They fixed their instruments and before they started playing Paul asked me what song they should start with.

'Black Diamond.' I said with a big grin on my face.

Eric blew me a kiss and the others smiled but finally started playing the song I requested, even though Ace looked a little bit offended.

After the rehearsal was over we went back home and Ace was still a little upset. He huffed and puffed around the house like a cute little dragon.

'What's ya problem Paul?' I said his real name to get his attention.

'Nothing.' He shrugged.

'Come on. Tell me.' I walked over to him. 'Paul?' I asked again hopping onto the counter.

'Seriously? Eric?' He crossed his arms facing me.

'We ain't a thing, dummy.' I rolled my eyes, a sly grin on my face.

'But I thought you would choose me.' He pouted.

'Yeah I would.' I climbed down. 'But this doesn't mean anything.' I winked at him and left the kitchen and went into the bathroom locking myself in.

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