Play It Cool Pt. 2 (Eric Singer x Reader)

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After the incident we were invited back to the next shows. But these times we had a backstage passage thanks to Eric and Paul. The show was awesome as always. And after the two hour concert was over we were guided into the dressing room. A different one this time.

'Why do these buildings always look the same?' I looked around while walking ahead.

'Cause all of them are stadiums.' Gene said unamused.

We didn't get along that well. He was still hurt by the fact that we played the guards, the roadies and the cashier at the gates. Paul was fun to be around, Bruce was kind and funny. Eric on the other hand was a goofball. He spent most of his time with me after the concerts and he was always laughing and doing funny things. Even though in the beginning he was a little shy.

He liked to use me for pranks. Like this time. He sent me backstage in the middle of the show to hide some of Gene's stuff. And now he was looking for it. Huffing and puffing around in the room throwing stuff away. Noah and Eric could barely hold their laughter. Paul was amused and Bruce stayed neutral. He didn't care about the little pranks we did on the Demon.

'Come on! Where is it?' He asked angrily, his hair was a mess. He looked very funny though.

'What?' Eric snickered.

'You know what.' He put his hands on his hips making him appear more funnier than before.

'Dunno what ya talkin' about.' Eric shrugged.

'Fuck!' He said and continued to search for the item I had hid under a pillow on the couch.

'Can I get something to drink?' Noah asked Paul.

'Make yourself at home.' He motioned to the tables. 'Bring Y/N some wine, please.' He laughed.

'Ha ha, very funny Paul.' I rolled my eyes and sat next to him.

He just laughed at me but Noah did as he was told and brought me a cup full of red wine. This time I wasn't wearing a white t-shirt but a blue crop top. And I was skilful enough not to spill it all over myself like the first time.

'You guys have plans for tonight?' Eric sat on the armrest putting half of his body weight on my right side but I wasn't complaining. I liked his closeness.

'Nah.' Noah shook his head. 'Why?' He took a sip of his beer.

'There will be a party at Ace's and I want to go.' He shrugged.

'You mean at Ace Fucking Frehley's house?' Noah asked in disbelief and Eric nodded his head laughing. He was always laughing. 'Count us in. I want to meet the Spaceman.' His eyes were sparkling. Not sure if it was because of the third beer he had now or by the fact that we were gonna meet Ace. Probably both.

'Cool.' He nodded with a smile glued onto his face. 'You guys are coming too?' He turned to Gene and the others.

'I have other plans at home.' Gene said still looking for his keys. 'If I'll find those damned keys!' He said angrily. I couldn't tell him that I was literally sitting on them.

'I'm joining you.' Paul said. 'Bruce?' He nodded at his direction.

'I'll think about it.' He said.

We stayed in the room for another hour then Noah, Eric, Paul and me got into a car and went to Ace's house. In the end we told Gene where his keys are. He was furious that's why I told him and Eric said I'm gonna get my ass beaten for that. He wanted Gene to find them on his own. But I couldn't stand his whining anymore so I made a decision and gave them to him.

'You're gonna have so much fun there.' Eric wriggled his eyebrows at us.

'I really want him to sign something for me. But I'm too embarrassed to ask him.' Noah sighed.

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