Familiar (Tommy Thayer x Reader)

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Requested by lightningstrike112


The show ended with my act. Becoming an acrobat was my best decision. Now I work with the biggest names in the industry.

'See ya at the bar, then?' James, one of the people I work with, asked me.

'Sure.' I grinned.

I took off my makeup and let down my hair. I took a quick shower then changed into regular clothes. Then I put my hair into a low ponytail. I put on mascara, I just love it when my lashes look big and can flawless.

I grabbed my handbag from my vanity and left the place. I took a taxi to take me to the Fair Highway Bar. We always go to that bar when we're in town. It's the best. The bartenders are nice and kind and everyone minds their own business. They don't rush to us for autographs as they see us there at least three times a month.

'Hi. A beer please!' I asked nicely sitting on the bar chair.

'There ya go.' The blonde bartender put my glass down.

'Thanks.' I smiled back at her.

I grabbed my drink and went back to my friends. I sat down between Jessica and Mark.

'Tonight's show was amazing!' Jacob stated as a kind of toast.

'Yeah.' I agreed.

'Although there were less people then usually.' Mark sighed.

'Yeah. The KISS guys didn't want to cancel their concert no matter how hard our manager tried.' Jessica rolled her eyes.

She hates the band and the people in it. I don't why though because she never explained that to us.

'But we made a big sum nonetheless.' I took a sip from my beer.

'Whatever.' She rolled her eyes again.

'For once in your lifetime, please try to be a nice person. That's all I'm asking.' Jacob put his hand on his temple, trying not to kill the girl right there and then.

I just laughed at the whole situation. It's never the same in this bar. Just like you can't make a show twice. It doesn't matter if you do the same acrobatic performance over and over again. It will never be the same. And the atmosphere is always different after a show. It's either rainbows and puppies or nothing at all.

But we end the shows with the first one more.

'I'm gonna go and get another beer. I'll be right back.' I told my friends as I stood up.

They just nodded and went on with their conversation.

When I reached the bar, I had to wait so I just sat down on the high chair. Getting on top of it is another level of exercise.

After waiting for five minutes I felt someone's eyes at me. Like I was being watched. So I looked around when I saw a familiar face looking at me. But he looked away when my eyes caught his. I just chuckled but didn't do anything. If he wants something, he will initiate. I thought.

I waited for the bartender to have a moment for me. Once she had a free second, I asked her to refill my glass with beer. But of course I had to wait for that too.

While I was waiting, someone took the seat on my left. I tried to ignore him but he spoke up, so I couldn't pretend that he wasn't there.

'I'm sorry, but you look amazing.' He said and his voice sounded kinda familiar too.

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