Forbidden (Gene Simmons/Eric Carr x Reader)

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Hii. I had this crazy idea, and I know I said I won't publish anything new, but I had to write this one. I hope yall like it!🩵 (and yes, this almost took me a year to write cuz life happens)


Dating someone a bit older is crazy. That's why I never told my dad about the guys I was dating. After my mom told me who my father was, and let him know as well, he tried to spend as much time with me as he could.

And I behaved like a good little daughter. Listened to everything he told me to do. Waited patiently for city tours he took me on. It was always a nice experience.

It was weird, still listening to my parents even though I was almost twenty years old. But I had to listen, I wasn't allowed to tell everyone that Gene Simmons was my dad. Only my mom, and people close to us knew about it.

But back to the story, remember the older guy I talked about? Well, thanks to a lonely day that turned into something fun, here I was, sneaking around with Eric Carr. Yeah, my dad's band mate and friend.

It was a boring day on tour, the first one I went on with them after I convinced my mom that I would behave well, and that I would listen to my dad. After a few conversations with both of them, my mom let me go with him.

That boring day, my dad refused to go with me on sightseeing because he had some business to run so I decided to just lounge around in the hotel room I got. I even started reading a book I brought with myself but that was cut short. By a knock on my door. Eric was looking for my dad but he wasn't there and I didn't know where he went so he asked me if I'd like to go walk around the city. I said yes, and somehow I didn't spend the night in my room. You probably know why.

Now, cut to the present, a year and a few months later. My birthday was a few days away and I wanted to spend it with Eric, but Bruce slipped up and said that my dad and uncle Paul was throwing me a birthday party as I was finally twenty-one.

'Are you sure?' I asked Bruce as I sat down next to him on the couch.

'Yes.' He nodded. 'And I shouldn't have told ya.' He sighed, getting up. 'Please don't tell them that I told you.' He pleaded.

'I'll act surprised.' I rolled my eyes as I laid across the couch. 'Does Eric know anything about it?' I asked, trying to be lowkey.

'No.' Bruce said. 'I shouldn't either. But they needed someone to keep you busy while they prepare everything.'

'Wow.' I chuckled. 'Can you tell me where it's gonna be held?'

'No.' He shook his head. 'I already said too much.' He rubbed his temple. 'Keep your little mouth shut, okay?'

'I will.' I nodded, looking up at the ceiling while Bruce left the room.

How was I supposed to celebrate my birthday with all of them without acting suspicious around Eric? Ever since our relationship deepened, I realized that we've been acting a bit weird around each other, so we're trying to keep a distance. Or something like that.

Ten minutes after Bruce left, I was on my way to the phone to call Eric over but he beat me to it as he was already knocking on my door. And before you ask, I know it was him, because he knocks five times every time before he comes in.

'Did Bruce see you?' I asked him once he was inside.

'No.' He smiled from ear to ear, enveloping me in a hug.

'Good.' I hugged him back. 'But I've got some bad news.' I let go of him.

'What?' He furrowed his eyebrows, his hands still on my waist.

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