Haunted Pt. 2 (Eric Carr/Bruce Kulick x Reader)

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'So, since I have a day off, we should go to the movies.' Bruce climbed on top of me.

'What about staying in and doing something fun?' I asked.

'No. I love you but your house sometimes creeps the hell out of me.' He pouted then climed off of me laying beside me.

'What do you mean?' I sat up leaning on my elbows.

'Sometimes I feel like we're not alone here.' He confessed.

I made a weird face then he continued.

'Stuff are misplaced and I heard you one time talking with someone.' He admitted.

'I-i was talking on the phone.' I tried to come up with a reasonable lie.

'Y/N the phone is in the kitchen and your room. And you were in the bathroom.' He pointed out. 'You also, mentioned Eric's name.' He whispered.

'I must have been sleep walking.' I came up with another lie. 'I tend to do it when I'm antsy.' I sighed.

'Oh. I never realized it.' He scratched his head.

'That's because you're a deep sleeper.' I winked at him.

'Yeah, probably.' He whispered. 'So, movies tonight?' He wriggled his eyebrows.

'Fine.' I rolled my eyes while I smiled.

Actually I was relieved because that way I didn't have to be at home. I loved being at home with Bruce but Eric's been more active since Bruce moved in with me.

He keeps misplacing the plates and mugs, turns on the water or just opens the door if it's closed and closes it it's open. He's been a total nightmare.

He would randomly wake me up in the middle of the night because he's bored and wants to talk.

'Oh, we're going to the cinema!' I heard Eric's voice in the room.

'I'm gonna make breakfast.' I quickly kissed Bruce and rushed downstairs.

'First of all you're not coming. Second of all what's wrong with you?' I placed my hands onto my hips.

'Nothing.' He said.

'Eric I know you since I was born. I know there's something going on with you.' I sat on the counter.

'You're spending more time with Bruce than with me.' He said in a sad tone.

'You said I should tell him how I feel. It's been two months, Eric.' I sighed.

'But I didn't know he would move in with you! ' He protested.

'Why wouldn't he? We're a couple.' I explained.

'We were fine without him.' A cabinet's door flew open.

'You're missing the point that you're dead, Eric.' My voice broke down.

'Then tell him. Tell him I'm here too.' A glass dropped onto the floor and it broke into little pieces.

'Eric!' I shouted jumping off the counter. 'Why are you doing this?' Tears rolled down my cheeks while I collected the flinders off the ground.

'Y/N what happened?' Bruce rushed into the kitchen.

'Nothing.' I wiped off the tears.

'Why did you scream Eric's name?' He furrowed his eyebrows.

'H-he's angry.' I whispered.

'Who?' He asked helping me collect the broken pieces.

'Eric. He's a-angry because I'm n-not spending time with him.' I sat down leaving the pieces to fall out of my hands.

'What do you mean? I don't understand you dear.' He looked at me concerned.

'I lied to you before.' I made eye contact with him. 'I was in fact talking to someone. To Eric. The misplaced things and weird stuff? It was all him.' I explained to him.

'I still don't get it.' He shook his head and slowly sat down.

'I n-never told y-you but I'm a medium. I can t-talk to dead people. I d-don't see them though. I only realized I'm a m-medium after Eric died.' I said, my voice shaking.

'A medium?' He gave me a puzzled look and I nodded. 'That's cool.' He smiled.

'You... You don't think I'm crazy?' i asked surprised.

'No.' He chuckled wiping off the remaining tears. 'You should have told me earlier.' He smiled genuinely.

'I was afraid.' I sniffed.

'Don't be. You can tell me everything.' He placed my hair behind my ear.

'So, what did you say about the cinema?' I smiled.

'You really wanna go?' He held my hands in his.

'Sure.' I nodded.


We watched Death Becomes Her with Bruce. Eric didn't show up though. Which was sad news for me.

I sat down on the couch after we arrived at home.

'Want some wine?' Bruce asked me.

'Sure.' I smiled.

He went into the kitchen while I turned on the TV. I searched through it and left it on a Night Show. They had a new artist there I didn't hear of yet.

'I'm sorry.' I felt him touching my hair.

'It's okay.' I smiled.

'Is he here?' Bruce walked into the living room looking around.

'Yes.' I chuckled quietly.

'I never meant to hurt you Y/N. But being a free spirit can mess with ghost's head I guess.' He said.

'It's okay. I know you didn't mean to do it. You're forgiven Eric.' I smiled genuinely.

'Hi Eric.' Bruce spoke up amazed. 'I'm sorry I took Y/N away from you. I just love her, ya know.' He shrugged blushing.

'I know you do. She's the best thing that ever happened to me except for Carrie.' Eric said.

'He said he knows you love me.' I told Bruce.

'God we miss you, man.' Bruce sat down next to me. 'I promise I'm gonna take good care of Y/N.' He put his arm around me.

'I could say the same but I see you everyday.' Eric laughed. 'I'm going to give you two more space.' He added.

'He said he could say the same but he sees you everyday. And that he's gonna give us more space.' I bit into my lower lip.

'No man.' Bruce protested. 'You don't need to. You basically lived here with Y/N before I came along.' He pulled me closer to him.

'You sure?' I heard the excitement in his voice.

'Yes.' I said. 'Besides who am I gonna spend the days with when this fluffball is on tour?' I laughed.

'With me!' He shouted.

I laughed at him. Sometimes he acted so childish and other times he acted strange and terrifying like he did this morning. In fact he acted like this for the first time.

At the end of the day we agreed that we're gonna live our lifes exactly like I did before Bruce. He later admitted that he doesn't want Eric to get angry again because we know he's capable of lot of things.

One thing we didn't do though. We weren't going to tell Singer, Paul and Gene and Eric's family. Bruce didn't want me to become a puppet between Eric and his family.

And as much as I love them I wouldn't be able to to transmit everything between them.

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