No Regrets (Peter Criss/Ace Frehley x Reader)

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Requested by FruitSnaccTheThicc


I was in my room. Peter should be here any minute and I still don't know what to wear. After going through my wardrobe for the fifth time I had to choose something. My vote ended on a red silky dress with my pair of black high heels. I let down my hair, it only reached down to my shoulders.

I took another look in the mirror before I grabbed my purse and heard a car honking outside. I looked out of the window and there I saw Peter in his suit without a tie of course. I waved at him and he waved back with a smile on his face.

I locked my house. But when I turned around Peter was already behind me.

'Hi.' He tapped my shoulder which made me jump. 'Sorry I didn't mean to scare ya.' He chuckled lightly.

'It's okay.' I smiled.

'Can we go?' He pointed at the car waiting behind us, parked on the road.

I nodded and he reached for my hand. I placed my hand in his and he led me to the car. We got inside and he asked the driver to take us to the restaurant. I've never heard of that place before so I was curious. And anxious a bit.

We arrived to the fancy looking building after half an hour. Peter helped me get out of the car and we walked side by side into the restaurant. It was elegant so I'm glad I choose my red dress.

'Welcome to SeaFlower Restaurant. How can I help you?' The receptionist asked us.

'I've got a reservation under the name, Peter Criss.' He cleared his throat.

'A minute.' He held up his finger while he looked through a piece of paper. 'Yes. Let me show you to your table.' He smiled and walked us to our place. 'Here's the menu.' He handed us two big and heavy book.

'Thanks.' I said.

I went through the entire book but I couldn't choose. I didn't want to pick something too expensive and he must have noticed my hesitation.

'Choose freely Lucy.' He gave me a reassuring smile.

I nodded and I looked through the menu again. At the end I chose a simple soup and roasted chicken with potatoes. Peter chose something similar too. And he also ordered a bottle of white wine.

'You look really stunning Lucy.' He put his hand on top of mine.

'Thank you.' I looked down to hide my flushed cheeks. 'You're not bad yourself either.' I tried to compliment him.

'I'm really glad you chose me.' He switched topic.

Which surprised me. Because actually I didn't chose anyone. Oh if he only knew.

'Yeah.' I sighed looking away.

Our food soon came which was the perfect timing.

'This food is amazing!' I said with my mouth full which made me and Peter both to laugh.

'Want more wine?' He raised a brow, accompanied with a smirk.

'Sure.' I nodded handing him my glass.

After the fourth glass I stopped because being light-weighted I could feel the alcohol running through my body.

'Where should we go next?' Peter asked when we left the nice restaurant.

'Your place?' I asked without thinking.

'I like your way of thinking.' He wriggled his eyebrows as he opened the door for me.

After he got inside as well he spoke up. He told the driver his address.

'You're still so beautiful.' He whispered into my ear once we were inside his house.

'You're lying.' I chuckled as his breath tickled my neck.

'Noo, I'm not.' He whispered.

He kissed my neck then he left a kiss on my lips as he guided me into his bedroom.


The boys were already in the studio except for Ace. He was still laying in bed. The others probably called his place a billion times.

'Get up. You're already an hour late.' I sat down on the edge of the bed.

'So what.' He shrugged. 'I've got everything I need, right in my arms.' He said as he snaked his arm around my waist, making me fall on top of him.

'I know you love staying at my place but you should go.' I got off of him.

'Why don't you come with me?' He asked with pleading eyes.

'Because.' I rolled my eyes.

He doesn't know that I'm going out with Peter too. And vice versa. And it should stay like that. They can't know about it.

'I'm still waiting why you can't come to the studio with me.' He sat up.

'Because they don't know that I'm with you.' I blurted out.

'Or, you mean Peter doesn't know about it.' He sighed.

My heart was pounding in my chest by his sentence.

'Look. I know Peter and I had our differences in the near past. But I'm sure he won't get me if he sees you with me.' He said.

You're wrong. I thought. He would most likely pick a fight with you, you dummy.

'We know how quick tempered Peter is.' I sat on his lap.

'True.' He put my hair behind my ear. 'Ugh.' He buried his face into my cleavage. 'Can I stay here?' He murmured and his breath tickled me which made me shift in my place. 'Stop.' He he lifted up his head looking into my eyes. 'If you want me to go to the studio now, then stop doing this.' His voice was serious but the smirk on his lips said otherwise.

'Oookay.' I giggled as I wrapped my arms around his neck. 'Go and make some bangers!' I kissed him.

'I will. Now, you don't hear this from me often, but get off of me.' He slapped my ass.

'Rude.' I stuck out my tongue at him while I got up.

'Yeah, whateva gets you fired up.' He stood up, making the blanket fall off and leaving him in his birthday suit.

The view was tempting but he was already late.

'Go.' I mumbled as I turned around.

He just chuckled and slapped my booty one more time before he headed to the bathroom.

At times like this I wish I could finally decide. But I just can't.

Hope you like it!❤️

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