A Bad Day (Eric Carr x Reader)

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We've been on tour and today was the day when they performed in our city.

So it was obvious that after the show we would go home instead of staying in a hotel. We haven't been home for about a month because of the tour so it was kinda messy.

While he was away at the stadium rehearsing and putting everything in the right place, I went straight to our shared home. I spent all morning cleaning the kitchen and the guest room as Bruce decided to stay at our place. I offered Paul and Gene the same but they stuck to the thought of hotels instead. They said they don't wanna cause any trouble.

And knowing Gene's behavior with women, I guess it's better if they're at the hotel.

It was around one in the afternoon when I heard the front door shut. It made one hell of a noise. I quickly dropped everything that was in my hands and headed down only to see noone. I walked around the kitchen and the living room when it hit me.

I walked over the couch that was near the corner and I found Eric sitting behind it, a big plush blanket over his shoulders. His hair covered 90% of his angelic face.

I tapped his shoulder and he twitched at my touch.

'It's me honey.' I whispered while I crouched down.

'Hi.' He whispered.

'Stressful rehearsal?' I asked stroking his curly hair.

He just nodded but didn't look at me.

'Wanna eat something?' I asked him.

He shook his head no. I sighed, kissed his head, well the top of his hair and left to do my work in the guest room. I vacuum cleaned the whole place then put freshly dried pillows and a blanket onto it. I went down after it to see if Eric is feeling better. But he was still behind the couch, now hugging a stuffed bear.

He looked adorable and I didn't have the heart to interrupt his little peace. He needed to calm down first. If I can't get him to talk right when he walks through the door then it's a lost case until he decides to talk to me.

When we stayed at hotels he continued to do his little habit. When something happened that bothered him, he didn't tell the others. Instead when we arrived to the hotel he grabbed a blanket from the bed and locked himself in the bathroom.

At home he usually hid behind the couch. Others might think it's a weird habit but I think it's adorable. He's a little boy in his heart who gets easily uptight about things.

I walked pass by him and he was still quietly sitting on the floor. I smiled then walked up to the bedroom. It needed some freshing up. I was about to take off the blanket and pillows of the bed when I felt a hand on my waist and a head buried in my neck.

I chuckled at the sudden touch and dropped the pillow that was in my hands. His hair tickled my face and it made me giggle even more.

'You feeling better?' I placed my hands onto his.

He slightly nodded but didn't say anything. Instead he kissed my cheek, then my jawline, then my neck. Then he spun me around and kissed me hard.

'Make me forget what happened.' He demanded in a husky voice.

'Gladly.' I smirked and in the next moment I was on the bed with Eric on top of me.

He kissed me roughly but I liked it. And this is how the innocent boy who was hiding behind a furniture turned into a man who demanded sex as closure. And he knew he would get it. He always did, just like this time.

The time of the concert soon arrived and he still didn't tell me what got him so upset.

'You ready?' I asked him.

He just murmured something under his breath and rolled out of bed lazily. He shook his head and arranged his wild hair.

'Where did you throw my shirt?' He slipped into his jeans.

'Probably on the nightstand. Or try one of the corners.' I grinned.

I was too focused on making my hair look like I didn't had sex three times in a row.

'You're beautiful.' He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and I blushed. 'Also I need a new t-shirt because you ripped this one apart.' He threw the clothing item on my head.

'I love you too.' I quickly threw it back on the floor.

'I love you more.' He grinned and gave me a tight hug.

He got changed and we called a cab to get to the stadium in time. There we went our separate ways. They played two more songs, tuned their instruments. I bumped into Bruce on my way to the backstage.

'Sorry.' I chuckled.

'It's nothing.' He smiled back.

'Any chance you know what upset Eric today?' I asked.

'Something about his drumkit.' He explained. 'A few pieces were missing and he couldn't practice properly.' He smiled.

'Thanks Bruce.' I smiled back.

I know that a lot of things can annoy Eric. But usually he talks to me about them. I guess this time was exceptional. Well, either way I'll wait if he brings this up. I don't wanna force him in any way.

But I gotta admit, I love when he calms down because it always ends in one thing...

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