Chill (Eric Carr X Reader)

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I poured the pills onto the bed, again. I counted them over and over again. One is enough to make you feel sleepy. Three are enough to make you fall asleep. Five are enough to knock you out for twelve hours. But what would ten pills do? I would have to take them to find it out. But I've been counting them for an hour now. I was a coward. I couldn't do it even if I really wanted.

'Don't be such a baby.' I talked to myself.

I put the pills back into the plastic bottle one after the other but left out eight on the bed. I couldn't take ten but five just wasn't enough.

I reached for the glass that was sitting on the night stand. My hand was shaking and my heart started beating too fast. But I didn't care. I couldn't care less at that point. I picked up the pills and took them all. I took a big gulp of the water and swallowed them. I felt their bitterly taste on my tongue.

Tears started finding their way into the surface after I realised what I've done. I gasped looking around the little room. His clothes were everywhere. Platform boots chilling in the corner, a sweater halfway on the ground. His stage clothes in the open wardrobe. Drumsticks laying around the floor.

I just couldn't bare the thought of him not coming back to pick them up. He was the best thing that ever happened to me. He was my first love and I will always remember it. Noone would be ever as important to me as he was.

'I'll see you soon.' I gulped hard trying to swallow my fears.

Writer's point of view

She was laying on the bed unconscious. She could see him before her closed eyes. A smile crept on her face unaware of it.

After an hour she was fast asleep amd her breathing started to slow down a little. She couldn't control it anymore. But luckily someone came just in time.

'Sorry for barging in just like this but... Umm, you didn't oped the front door, soo -' Bruce quickly shut up when he looked at her. 'Y/N, are you sleeping?' He whispered walking closer to her. 'Y/N.' He shook her shoulders but he didn't get an answer.

After shaking her body for a minute he got worried.

'Please tell me you didn't do something stupid.' He sighed looking around the room and he soon found the bottle with only four pills left behind. 'Oh Lord.' He dropped the item. 'Y/N!! Wake the hell up! You hear me?! It ain't funny!' He continued to shook her body but she didn't respond.

He then went looking for the telephone dialing 911.

'Hi. Um, my friend took apparently a lot of pills and now she's not reacting to anything.' He almost cried at this point.

'Sir, please give the address so I can sent the paramedics there.' The lady said through the phone. He gave it to her then called the others letting them know what she has done.

They were afraid that she would pull off something like that but didn't think she would actually do it. She was depressed but she hid it pretty well. She didn't let them know how she really felt.

'Please, don't die.' He cried holding onto her hand while he waited for the paramedics. 'Please, I can't lose another friend. I lost Eric, I can't loose you too.' He wiped down his tears but it was useless. They kept rolling down his cheeks. 'I know how much you loved him but he wouldn't want you to do that.' He stroked her hair. 'Damn it Y/N!' He cursed.

The paramedics arrived under ten minutes. By that time both Paul and Gene were there. They didn't tell the new drummer what happened. He was still new and didn't really knew Y/N.

'What did she take?' One of the ambulance men asked.

'I found this beside her.' Bruce gave the bottle to him.

'That's a very strong medicine. Do any of you know where she got them?' The man asked them.

'No idea.' Paul shook his head.

'Frank, we need to take her to the hospital. Now!' The other man spoke up.

'Is she in danger?' Gene asked.

'Big one.' Frank nodded.

They put her on a movable bed and took her outside where they put her into the ambulance. Bruce went with them while Paul and Gene followed them in Paul's car.

Reader's point of view

When I woke up I had a headache. It hurt bad. Like someone was stabbing my brain with a dull knife.

I opened my eyes but instantly regretted it. The light was too bright for them. But I soon realised I'm not at home. Is this Heaven?

'Where am I?' I whispered.

'Y/N!' I heard Bruce's voice from beside me. 'You're finally awake!' He shed a tear while he hugged me.

It can't be Heaven. Bruce ain't dead.

'Where am I?' I asked again.

'In the hospital. You almost died. You took a hella amount of pills.' He straightened up. 'I'm mad at you for doing that though. But I'm happy you're alive and breathing.' He hugged me again. 'Imma go and tell the others the good news.' He smiled and exited the room.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I was so ready to die and see Eric again. But I guess God wants to keep me on Earth for a while.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: i felt a little depressed so i had to let it out somehow 🤷🏻

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