What A Coincidence (Vinnie Vincent x Reader)

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Requested by Vinnie_Vincent

It was a nice summer day. I came back from the ice cream shop where I'm working at. I downloaded a new dating app recently so that's what I checked as soon as I got inside my bedroom.

I unlocked my phone and opened the app. There was a new message from someone.

Hi. You look cute on your profile picture.

It made me blush a bit. Me? Cute? No way. I thought of a million different things to say back. But I stuck with the easiest.

Thank you. :)
How you doing?

I don't know why I sent the second text. But something made me do it. Call it natural instinct.

I'm doing fine. How u doing?
Sorry im new to this thing

Dont worry. Im new to this dating stuff too.
And im doing fine.

Glad to hear im not the only one.
Do u work?

I work in an ice cream shop.
What do ya do for a living?

I kinda spend my days at home.
I used to be in a few rock bands;)

Rock bands? Who the hell I'm talking to? I didn't ask which bands he was in. He was probably in bands that never left the garage.

Thats cool!
Do u have favorite bands?

I was actually running out of ideas as of what to talk about. Online dating was never one of my strengths.


After a month we finally asked for the other's phone number. Which felt like I made a mistake but on the hand I was glad that I could hear the man's voice I've been talking to.

I had ten more minutes left of my shift in the shop when my phone started buzzing like a bee in my pocket.

'There you go.' I handed the little brown haired girl her icy sweetness.

'Thank you.' She smiled and ran off.

Her dad payed for the ice cream and went after her.

'Hello.' I picked up my phone.

'Hi Emily.' Vinnie said. 'What you doing?' He asked.

'I'll finish with work soon. What are you up to?' I asked as I walked back to the locker room.

'Oh. I was gonna ask you something.' He cleared his throat.

'Okay. Ask then.' I put him on speaker while I put down the phone on the bench to unlock my locker.

'I was thinking that, uhm... We should meet sometime.' He said hesitantly.

My eyes diluted from the surprise. He wants to meet. Is it a good thing? I know him better than half a year ago, but still. This would be a new step.

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