Fangs Are Cool (Eric Singer x Reader)

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Requested by One_directioner4eva
I'm sooooo fuckin sorry it took me so long. I honestly apologize. 🥺❤️

I wanted to go out and watch a movie tonight but as always, Eric said no. He said he doesn't want me out and about during the night. But anytime I asked him why, he refused to tell me. I find it weird. I mean yeah, I get it. He's an overprotective boyfriend, but still. It is kind of unusual.

'Please, let me go! Stella will kill me if I ditch her on her birthday!' I begged him.

'Nat, I told you.' He put my hair behind my ear. 'It's dangerous for a girl to go out in the night.' He sighed.

'I'll be surrounded by my friends. Come on.' I looked at him pouting, with puppy eyes.

'My answer is still no.' He smiled and left a kiss on my forehead.

I'm going. I let out an angry sigh. I love Eric but his overprotectiveness won't stop me from having a good time on my best friend's birthday.


Once Eric left for an urgent bNd meeting, I grabbed my makeup kit and did a quick nice, solid makeup. I didn't want to draw attention.

I put my long, black hair up in a high ponytail. Even tied up it reached down to the middle of my back. I hopped into my white summer dress and put on my black high heeled sandals.

I took a glance at myself in the mirror. Did a twirl then reached for my phone.

I'm ready

Then came the answer from my best friend.

Be there in 5😘

I was so excited about this party. Since I began dating Eric I've never been to parties alone. He way always with me. Saying that he wants me to be safe because it's dangerous ouz there for young women like me.

I never cared about it. I did love that he escorted me to parties. But a part of me was always curious.

Soon I heard a car honking outside my house so I grabbed my purse and left the place in a minute.

'Giiirl!' Stella jumped out of the car to give me a hug which I returned. 'I'm so glad you're coming with us!' She cheered.

Yeah, it was a miracle if I went somewhere without Eric.

'Did you lock up your boyfriend somewhere?' Jess joked.

I just rolled my eyes.

'He went to an urgent meeting with his band mates.' I explained to them.

'Can we go now?' Jack asked, annoyed.

We nodded and got inside the car. Tay was driving as she hasn't drank anything yet. We stopped at Bulls Cave, our favorite club. It was always packed, just like this time. There was a long line at the entrance but we skipped it. Stella's uncle owns the place so we can go inside without paying the fee. Kinda awesome, if you ask me.

'Okay. What should we start with?' Taylor looked at the menu.

'What about cranberry vodka?' Jess suggested.

'I wanna get so hammered that I can't remember anything I'll do tonight.' Stella grinned like a maniac.

'Tequila is it then.' Jack nodded.

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