Hiring A New Guy (KISS x Babe)

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It's been tough since Peter left the band. Everybody was stressed out about who's gonna replace him. We held about ten auditions, each one in a different city. A lot of them were horrible in my opinion. Some of them were okay but didn't fit in the band. After the fifth they were going crazy.

'I can't believe noone is good enough.' Ace stormed into his room where I've been taking a nap. 'Sorry.' He looked at me. 'Did I wake you?' He sat down on the edge of the bed.

'Nah.' I shook my head. 'Have you found the one?' I asked rubbing the sleepiness away from my eyes.

'No. Not yet, and the guys are so nervous. Especially Bill.' He sighed.

'You'll find it. Believe me. He will walk through that door one day.' I patted his shoulder as a reassurance.

'Thanks Babe.' He smiled.

After this we left the room to make something to eat. But he couldn't, so instead he pulled out a can of beer.

'Do you have another audition today?' I asked cutting slices of ham.

'I don't know. And right now I don't care.' He shrugged and I could understand.

It wasn't easy to find someone to fill in Peter's place. I loved him regardless of his behaviour in the past two years. Well some of his actions I didn't fully approved nor did I understand. But it already happened and all they could do was finding a new member.

The last day of the auditions came by faster than expected. We were in the studio, when Bill came in with an orange letter.

'Here. Read it.' He dropped it onto the table in front of the guys. Paul read it out loud. The guy's name was also Paul.

'Is he here?' Gene asked rubbing his chin.

'Yeah.' Bill said and with that he disappeared and a few minutes later a - compared to the boys - short guy came in with a cassette tape in one hand.

He had short but fluffy hair and an uptight smile on. He looked a little terrified at first.

'Hello.' He waived shyly.

'Hi!' We greeted him as I got up from my chair and walked over to him. 'I'm Babe.' I smiled. 'This is Paul, Gene and Ace. The members.' I pointed at them in order. 'Nice to meet ya.' I smiled even bigger.

'Nice to meet you too.' He said fidgeting with the cassette in his hands.

'Don't be nervous.' I whispered as we approached the others.

They shook hands and asked for his name.

'My name is Paul Caravello. I'm here for the part of the drums.' He said.

I was in awe anytime I looked at him or heard him talk which Ace didn't like that much.

'Okay. Show us what you got.' Gene said crossing his arms.

The new guy put the cassette down and walked behind the drums.

'What's on this?' I asked holding up curiously the item.

'What does it matter?' Ace said in a harsh tone.

'Don't bite my head off. I just asked something.' I rolled my eyes dropping the item back on the table.

'Shut it, you two!' Paul looked at us, his eyes filled with angry sparks.

I let out a faint 'Sorry.'

Now everyone was focused on the entrant guy. He began slowly and after half a minute he killed that drumset. I couldn't believe my ears. He was a professional. If I wasn't there I wouldn't have believed it.

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