Such A Tease (Paul Stanley x Reader)

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'I would really appreciate it if you would stop playing with my hair.' Paul glared at me from the mirror.

'You're no fun.' I whined and ruffled his hair again.

'I am fun!' He protested. 'But I'm trying to do my makeup.' He rolled his eyes.

'Alice is right dude. You're no fun.' Peter agreed.

'So now you're on her side?' He turned around to look at Peter.

'He's always on my side Starchild.' I smiled wildly.

'Ugh... Just let me be.' He huffed and turned back to the mirror to finish his makeup.

The others just laughed at him and the whole situation.

I love to pick on him and tease him. His reaction is always different but funny. I also loved when he got irritated because he always rolled his eyes but there was a tiny smirk on his lip. I'm sure he liked it too. That he was in the center of the attention.

'Shh.' Ace showed me as he silently picked up a hairbrush and threw it at him.

'What the fuck!?' Paul got up a little bit more furious than before.

'It was a joke. Calm down hipster.' Ace laughed uncontrollably.

'Okay, this one maybe went a bit too far.' I placed a hand on Paul's as I glared at Ace.

'Buzzkill.' Peter whined.

I just rolled my eyes. Yes sometimes they can go too far with the pranks. I admit. But I swear mines are harmless.

'You have thirty minutes left.' Bill entered the room.

'We're almost ready.' Gene spoke up.

'Oh, hi Alice.' Bill smiled.

'Hi.' I waved at him.

I stayed quiet for the remaining time they were in the room. I was trying not to pick on Paul so they wouldn't be late for the concert.

'Showtime!' Gene stood up towering over me as I sat on the couch still.

'Have a great time.' I smiled.

'You're not coming?' Paul raised a brow at me.

'I will. Later. Y'all can go without me.' I shrugged.

'Oh, okay.' He nodded.

As they left the backstage, I got up and went to look through their makeup stuff. It always fascinated me. How they can do their makeups. How they turn themselves from an ordinary person to an extravagant superhero lookalike in under an hour or so. Gene takes forever though.

As time flew I broke my promise. I didn't go out to watch them perform. Instead I played around with their makeup stuff. I tried to do Ace's but that seemed too hard. And before I had the chance to put on some green, a great idea popped in my head.

A new way to tease Paul. Usually I'm good at makeup but now I tried to do the best knockoff of the Starchild's.

First I put on some white then I draw a really bad star around my right eye. Then at the end I put on red lipstick. I grabbed a hairbrush and made my brunette hair into a mess. Well, not a big mess but it was still messy.

Once I was done I sat back on the couch and waited patiently for the guys to arrive. I grabbed a magazine off of the and started reading it. As a way to hide my face.

They soon walked into the room - one by one.

'You lied.' Paul said as he stood in front of me.

'Whatcha doing?' Gene asked me.

'Reading.' I replied dryly.

'What happened to your hair?' Peter asked.

'I turned myself into the great Starchild.' I put down the magazine to look at them.

'That's... I don't even look like this.' Paul whined.

'Yes, you do.' I crossed my arms. 'Come on.' I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the mirror. 'See?'

'Totally twins.' Ace laughed.

'You're crazy.' Paul rolled his eyes and left me.

What is his problem? Instead of arguing, I just sat down next to Ace.

'Oh hi Paul.' He joked. 'Oh, sorry. You're not Paul.' He laughed.

'I could be. I mean, look at me! Big fluffy hair, tons of makeup and look, there's a star on my face!' I joked around with Ace.

'It's not funny.' Paul sat down in front of his little self-made vanity.

'It is.' Peter laughed along with me and Ace.

'Do you like him or something?' Gene popped a question I wasn't prepared for.

'W-what?' I rolled my eyes. 'As if!' I laughed.

'But you always seem to tease him.' Gene smirked.

'No.' I looked at the ground. 'Can I get a towel?' I asked.

'Yup.' Peter said and soon handed me a wet towel.

I went out to the bathroom to get the makeup off of my face. It was hard but nothing a little soap can't solve.

I was drying my face with the dry end of the towel when I heard a knock on the door.

'Come in.' I said.

'Is it true?' I heard Paul.

'True what?' I looked at him through the mirror hanging on the wall.

'That you like me.' He said. 'I mean, Gene's kinda right. You always get on my nerves.' He chuckled.

'Sorry about that.' I turned around. 'I just like to joke around.' I shrugged.

'But only with me?' He raised a brow with a playful smirk.

'Maybe.' I bit my lower lip.

'Admit it. You like me.' He wriggled his eyebrows.

'Okay.' I looked at the ceiling. 'I might like you. But just a tiny bit.' I rolled my eyes as I looked back at him.

'I knew it.' He smirked. 'Why didn't you tell me sooner, Alice?' He took a step closer to me, taking my hands in his.

'I don't know. I was afraid you wouldn't like me.' I said shyly.

'How could I not like you? Alice, you're the prettiest girl I've ever met. And I kinda dig the way you joke around. Even if I show the opposite.' He smiled.

I just blushed by his words. If I knew telling the truth would get me closer to my goal then I wouldn't have teased him with stupid jokes and stuff. But at least I got what I wanted - him.


Sooooo sorry it took me so long! Hope ya like it💕

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